It is snowing in Tasmania already.
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Surprise, surprise: zero about it in the MSM yet. They reported about us supposedly being on the “cusp” of an El Niño, though.
What’s the link to the snow story, if any?
rah and I just had a discussion about the El Nino starting here:
We both agree the strong El Niño the ClimAstrologists are praying for is not in the cards.
Joseph Bastardi of Weatherbell is predicting an El Niño “Modoki” or central Pacific El Niño instead of the typical eastern Pacific El Niño. He claims this winter will be similar to that of 02/03 and 09/10. It would mean another brutally cold winter for the eastern and southern parts of the US.
Regardless of whether it’s a regular El Niño or El Niño “Modoki” it looks like it will be weak to moderate at best.
“NOAA self serving announcement of weak El Nino ignores major unforecasted plummet of AMO” – Joe
Gail, not only is the West Pacific pool cool, as per the SST map you show, but it is also a hole.
IIRC from Bob, El Nino’s are hot water flowing from the west to east. Not only is the water cool, but is now going to flow up a 200 mm hill.
Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
Australia’s Hottest Ever Summer Update ….
Where is this photo taken in Tasmania, where I grew up. In the mountains or somewhere in the low lands?
That’s at the Great Lake Lodge , only 60 km or so as the crow flies from My place . No snow where I am as it’s a much lower altitude but every time the wind shifts to come from the SE it’s instant “Brrrrrrrr”
also taken at the Great Lake yesterday.
Damn , that should read “come from the SW”
Is it unusual to have snow in this area at this time of year?
Yes , Summer only just ended , We’re only a few days into autumn
I just want to thank you for the sanity you provide amidst all the hype and fear propaganda.
I live in coastal Queensland on the Tropic of Capricorn and while we have had a warm summer and even a cyclone it has not been exceptionally hot. Certainly it has remained well within the limits experienced in the past.
This has been consistent for the past 30 years. Our temperatures have for the greater part been more even than we endured in the 60’s and 70’s when it was both colder and hotter.
For me climate equals weather and it is a constantly changing phenomena which is no doubt affected by many factors. The weather control programs of various countries and volcanic activity being much greater in my opinion than it is by the minor amount of CO2 emissions humanity releases.
Pollution should of course be managed and reduced as much as possible on the grounds of sustainability and common sense. Something the greed orientated lack.
I think the attention of these so called scientist would be better served if it was focused upon the more pressing and growing issue of environmental radiation contamination. If ever there was a threat to life radiation is the one to fear. All the money wasted on climate could be used to greater benefit in that area. I doubt very much that will suit the UN or those supporting it.
To misquote what a famous thinker once said, nuclear power is a stupid way to boil water.
Again thank you for your efforts. I am not one to comment usually but appreciate the work you do which serves to remind us all that there are still people who care the facts rather than the profit.
“The research suggests that climate change is a much larger threat to Tasmanian devils than previously thought, with current warming temperatures and the facial tumour disease raising major concerns over the species’s future.”
So if Anna Brüniche-Olsen`s (lead author of the study) hypothesis is correct then all the Tasmanian devils became extinct during the Eemian , again during the Holocene optimum , again during the Minoan warm period etc . etc so there can’t be any left now . So those short legged black furry things with the deranged sounding snarls and screams that nick off with wallaby carcasses I’ve shot if I’m not quick enough across the paddock are what exactly ?
Of course She also fails to mention that the extinction event on the mainland coincides with the arrival of the dingo .