Daily Archives: April 10, 2014

New York Times Explains The Mindset Of Global Warming Fascists

The play of tolerance opposes the principle of monstrous certainty that is endemic to fascism and, sadly, not just fascism but all the various faces of fundamentalism. When we think we have certainty, when we aspire to the knowledge of … Continue reading

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Michigan Having Their Coldest Year On Record

Through April 6, Michigan is having their coldest year on record, 5C (9F) below normal. This is reflected by the record ice on the Great Lakes, and is at direct odds with the tampered data released by NCDC.

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Southeast Australia Temperatures Also Spiked During The 1930’s

Like in the US, the 1990 IPCC report showed that afternoon temperatures in southeast Australia reached their peak in the 1930’s – and then plummeted.

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US Afternoon Temperatures In 2013 Were Third Coldest On Record

While the IPCC and the rest of the blood sucking climate parasites desperately rant about increasing heatwaves, last year the US had its third lowest average afternoon temperatures since 1895.

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