Daily Archives: April 13, 2014

Another Global Warming Icon Bites The Dust

One of the standard claims of global warming hysterics, is that global warming makes DC cherry blossoms bloom earlier. Sadly for them, the past two years were both very late – and only the volcano cooled year of 1993 beat … Continue reading

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Trenberth’s History Of Making Bold Claims Which Contradict Science

In 2005, hurricane expert and National Hurricane Center Science Officer Chris Landsea, quit the IPCC over bogus claims Trenberth made – which were in direct conflict with the actual science. January 17, 2005 Shortly after Dr. Trenberth requested that I … Continue reading

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New Release Of GHCN Code

Download link I have made quite a few updates to my GHCN code, which is primarily targeted at the US HCN database – though it will work with any GHCN data set. The release includes seven files, compressed into file ghcn.tgz … Continue reading

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US Midwest Having The Coldest Year On Record So Far

Midwest temperatures through April 10 have been the coldest on record so far, with lots more cold in the forecast for the rest of the month.

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Global Warming Thrashing Colorado, Yet Again

The leaves are just starting to come out on the trees, and we are expecting 10 inches of very heavy, wet snow today. This means broken branches everywhere. http://www.wunderground.com/webcams/index.html?qlat=39.26628426150451&qlon=-96.94335937&qzoom=4

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James Hansen’s Forecasts As A Near Perfect Indicator Of The Climate Future

James Hansen has made many forecasts over the last 30 years, with close to 0% success rate. Betting on the opposite of what he predicts, is almost a sure thing. Thirty years ago he forecast peak sea-ice loss (40%) in … Continue reading

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Odds That Climate Alarmists Know What They Are Talking About – Slim To None

Climate scientists are certain that recent global warming is caused only by man, and can not occur naturally. Odds that global warming is due to natural factors:slim to none Saturday, April 12, 2014 http://publications.mcgill.ca/reporter/2014/04/odds-that-global-warming-is-due-to-natural-factors-slim-to-none/ The graphs below are taken from … Continue reading

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Climategate Scientists Getting Rid Of The 1940’s Temperature Spike In The Arctic

As of 2011, NASA showed a large spike in eastern Arctic temperatures around the year 1940 http://data.giss.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/gistemp/show_station.cgi?id=620040300000&dt=1&ds=1 During the previous year, climategate scientists discussed their desire to get rid of the 1940s spike From: Tom Wigley <[email protected]> To: Phil Jones … Continue reading

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IPCC Switches Their Story, Shoots Themselves In The Foot

Today, the IPCC says greenhouse gases have accelerated to unprecedented levels and are going to overheat the atmosphere and kill us all. April 13, 2014 A rapid shift to less-polluting energy will be needed to avoid catastrophic global warming because global emissions … Continue reading

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Thomas Jefferson Quotes From 1802

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that … Continue reading

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