Daily Archives: April 16, 2014

Pellston, Michigan Breaks Their Low Temperature Record By 16 Degrees

http://www.nws.noaa.gov/view/prodsByState.php?state=MI&prodtype=public h/t to Andy DC

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UN Says They Can Slow Non-Existent Warming

http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/13/world/un-climate/ It isn’t difficult slowing a non-existent warming trend. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut4gl/from:2001/plot/hadcrut4gl/from:2001/trend

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Great Lakes Obliterates All Records For Mid-April Ice

This graph gives a good feel for how uniquely cold the weather has been in the midwest this year. Great Lakes ice cover is more than double the previous record. http://ice-glaces.ec.gc.ca/prods/CVCHDCTGL/20140414180000_CVCHDCTGL_0007617826.gif

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The National Weather Service said that March temperatures in Michigan were  1st-4th coldest, yet NCDC reported them as 5th coldest – due to NCDC data tampering of course. Never mind that the Great Lakes blew away all records for ice … Continue reading

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NCDC US March Temperature Data Tampering

For the second year in a row, NCDC adjusted US March temperatures upwards by 1.5 degrees, making for a total adjustment since the 1920s of about 3 degrees.

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NCDC Blows Away All Records For Data Tampering In Michigan

NCDC has adjusted Michigan March temperatures by a mind-blowing six degrees since 1895, and managed to make March only fifth coldest – ignoring record Great Lakes ice, common sense, and any concept of integrity.

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1933 : Before CO2 Ruined The Climate

A 1933 flood in China drowned 50,000 people, starved a million, and brought rats, heat, cholera and locusts. http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive/pdf?res=F00F17F939551A7A93CAAB1782D85F478385F9

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After 17 Years Of No Warming, Crack Scientists Determine That We Only Have 15 Years Left


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Climate Experts Locate The Root Of All Evil

Joe Romm reported today that missing Arctic sea ice caused the cold winter in the East, and the California drought. This stunning new research is worth a closer look. In fact you may need a magnifying glass to find the missing … Continue reading

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