Daily Archives: April 23, 2014

US Maximum Temperatures In 2013 Were Third Coldest On Record

A minor detail which NOAA and NASA forgot to mention to the public, is that US afternoon temperatures in 2013 were third coldest on record.

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Forecast The Hate Campaign

Forecast The Facts is a classic progressive hate operation. The make a completely unsupported and unsupportable claim that the weather is becoming increasingly severe, and then use the words community, devastated and culprit to link skeptical weather forecasters to the bad … Continue reading

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An Ice-Free Michigan In 2014?

Al Gore predicted an ice-free Arctic in 2014, but the burning question is if Michigan will be ice-free this year. CableAmerica: Lake Superior

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Death Of The Wind Death Trains

We used to see trains transporting giant bird chopper blades passing through Fort Collins almost every day, but now all we see are coal/oil trains. The federal government has spent some $100 billion in taxpayer subsidies on green energy since 2006. … Continue reading

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Making Progress Defeating The Borg

It is tough for the borg to control people in the information age, since the educated public has access to actual facts and data. Poll: One in Four ‘Solidly Skeptical’ of Global Warming A new Gallup poll that coincides with Earth … Continue reading

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Massive Data Tampering In New Hampshire Hides The Decline

NCDC shows that New Hampshire is warming very quickly The thermometer data that NCDC uses shows the exact opposite – New Hampshire is actually cooling. NCDC accomplishes this magic feat by cooling New Hampshire’s past more than three degrees.

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1998 Phil Jones Paper Showed That All Northern Hemisphere Warming Occurred Before 1940

www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~rjsw/papers/Jonesetal-1998.pdf HadCrut also shows no warming after 1998. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs I believe that all reported net global warming since 1940 is due to data tampering and UHI.

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By 1935, The Scientific Consensus Had Determined That Mars’ Oceans Were Actually Tracts Of Vegetation

30 Apr 1935 – Do The Martians Exist? LONDON, March 23.

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