Monthly Archives: April 2014

Our Greatest Prophets

Some of the greatest prophets of our time are Paul Ehrlich, James Hansen, Harold Camping, the Mayans, and now the IPCC – all of whom made nearly identical forecasts about the end of the world coming soon.

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Nobel Prize Winner Says That The Arctic Will Be Ice Free In Less Than 20 Weeks

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Al Gore says that the 16 foot thick ice in the Beaufort Sea will all melt in the next few weeks.

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US Having Its Third Consecutive Record Slow Tornado Year

2013 and 2012 had the fewest US tornadoes on record, and 2014 has had less than one-third the normal amount for the date.

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Still Caught In Their Coldest Winter Ever, Cleveland Editors Want To Stop Global Warming

Lake Erie has unprecedented mid-April ice, and the geniuses at the Cleveland Plain Dealer want to stop global warming Tomorrow afternoon’s forecast for Cleveland is 34F and snow.

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33 Shootings This Weekend In The Gun Control Capital Of The US

4 dead, 33 hurt after weekend shootings,0,2196005.story

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Global Warming In Texas

It was 58 degrees today in Pecos, Texas. On this date in 1972 (peak year of the ice age scare) it was 100 degrees.

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Klimate Klux Klan

The KKK says that Jews should be executed because they are ruining the world for everyone else. The Klimate Klux Klan says that skeptics should be executed, because they are ruining the world for everyone else. GW deniers …. would be executed … Continue reading

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Heidi Never Lets Actual Facts Interfere With Her Propaganda

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Gavin Goes For The Gold

GISS is diverging from RSS at 1.1C/century – which is faster than their claimed warming trend.

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Gaia Is Truly Merciful – Grants Earth A 25 Year Reprieve From Climate Doom

In 1986, our top scientists said that we would pass the lethal tipping point of 2 degrees by 2010, and fry at 8 degrees warming by 2030 – with almost five feet of sea level rise. June 11, 1986 Dr. James … Continue reading

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