Monthly Archives: April 2014

Michigan Having Their Coldest Year On Record

Through April 6, Michigan is having their coldest year on record, 5C (9F) below normal. This is reflected by the record ice on the Great Lakes, and is at direct odds with the tampered data released by NCDC.

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Southeast Australia Temperatures Also Spiked During The 1930’s

Like in the US, the 1990 IPCC report showed that afternoon temperatures in southeast Australia reached their peak in the 1930’s – and then plummeted.

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US Afternoon Temperatures In 2013 Were Third Coldest On Record

While the IPCC and the rest of the blood sucking climate parasites desperately rant about increasing heatwaves, last year the US had its third lowest average afternoon temperatures since 1895.

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Can We Have A Scenario E Please?

According to the 1990 IPCC report, temperatures should have risen about 0.5C since 2000 under “business as usual.” HadCRUT shows that they haven’t risen at all (red line.) If global warming were an actual science, it would be dead as … Continue reading

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The Disturbing Correlation Between Atmospheric CO2 And Temperature In The 21st Century

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How CO2 Has Affected Me Personally

CO2 has risen from 0.00032 mole fraction CO2 to a frightening 0.00040 mole fraction during my lifetime. You can see this disturbing trend in the graph below. How has this affected me personally? As CO2 increased, so did my height. … Continue reading

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Could A Miracle Occur In Europe Today?

If Man U can pull off a miracle today, the Champions League semifinals will be all English and Spanish teams. Moyes might even be able to keep his job. Then again, they have to face these guys

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Arctic Basin Filled With Five To Twenty Foot Thick Ice

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Communist Newspaper Features The IPCC And Michael Mann

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Global Sea Ice Area Averaging Above Normal For More Than A Year

Since the start of 2013, global sea ice area has averaged above normal – by more than the area of Texas. This is the exact opposite of what every single global warming forecast predicted.

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