Monthly Archives: April 2014

Alarmist Brains Slam Into Reverse And Explode

In 2012, the winter maximum Arctic ice extent was high, and alarmists screamed that it meant nothing because the multi-year ice was disappearing. This year NSIDC reports a large increase in multi-year ice, and alarmists are screaming that the winter maximum … Continue reading

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Understanding The Consensus

A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually – Abba Eban   Israeli Foreign Minister 1915

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The Climate Moves To Siberia

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Number Of Uninsured Up By Nearly Four Million Since Obama Elected

Fox News reports : The massive (Gallup) survey, released on Monday, shows the number of uninsured indeed has fallen to its lowest level in years, likely thanks to the Affordable Care Act. What they are trying to say is … Continue reading

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Killing 3 Birds With One Stone

Changes to GISS US temperatures between 2001 and 2014 assisted in multiple efforts. Reducing the 1940s spike Hiding the decline Making the hockey stick   This was on top of a very large and similarly shaped change between 2000 and 2001

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Improving Technology Generates Worse Data

Due to improvements in temperature recording technology. USHCN has to exponentially increase recent temperature adjustments.

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Putting Two And Two Together

The Arctic has seen a huge increase in multi-year sea ice. The Great Lakes have record ice. Antarctica has record sea ice. Global sea ice area is above normal. Last year was the quietest year for hurricanes and tornadoes on … Continue reading

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Surfs Up In Michigan

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The Bad News For Alarmists Just Won’t Stop

NSIDC reports a large increase in multi-year Arctic sea ice over last year – about the size of Alaska.

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Reader Quiz

What percentage of US warming is due to CO2, and what percentage is due to data tampering?  

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