Monthly Archives: April 2014

Global Warming Writer Needed – Those With Critical Thinking Skills Need Not Apply

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John Lennon Discusses Progressives

You say you’ll change the constitution Well, you know We all want to change your head You tell me it’s the institution Well, you know You better free you mind instead But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao … Continue reading

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Why Do I Do This?

Alarmists are constantly accusing me of being a paid oil-industry shill who wants to see the planet destroyed. I would be more than happy to take oil money, but no one has offered any. My blogging has come out of my own … Continue reading

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Storm Surges Killed 600,000 People In The Zuider Sea Before The End Of The 19th Century The 1570 All Saints Day flood in Holland

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All Downhill for Hansen Since 1988

Hansen’s 1988 testimony to Congress, when he described Scenario A as “business as usual”  – came during the most persistently hot summer in northeastern US history. Since then, his forecasts have failed miserably – so the climate fraudsters simply ramp the … Continue reading

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Frequency Of 90 Degree Days In The Midwest Down Almost 50% Over The Past Century

The percentage of afternoons over 90 degrees in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio has dropped dramatically since 1895.

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Government Global Warming Forecasts Are Directly Opposed To Their Own Data

In January 2013, Andy Revkin reported on a Federal report predicting an increase 100 degree days in every region of the US, due to Mann-made CO2. If that were true, we would expect to have seen an increase … Continue reading

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Setting The Standard For Data Tampering

The NIWA data adjusters got away with this by arguing in court that their tampering was based on standard scientific practice, citing a station that had moved to higher elevation and needed to be adjusted for. The claim of “standard scientific practice” … Continue reading

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Climate Scientists Say They Are Lying To You For Your Own Good

It appears that news media and some pro-environmental organizations have the tendency to accentuate or even exaggerate the damage caused by climate change. We find that the information manipulation has an instrumental value, as it ex post induces more countries to participate … Continue reading

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Global Warming Forcing Polar Bears Into Residential Neighborhoods

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