Monthly Archives: April 2014

Scam Of The Day

One of the great scams they are pulling now is to pick out an isolated event, make up fake statistics, and assign it to climate change. Here are a few examples. After an historically quiet period of hurricane activity in … Continue reading

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Guardian Posts Pictures Of The Melting Arctic

Hardly a day goes by without the Guardian claiming the Arctic is melting. Then they post this. Traditional life in the Siberian Arctic – in pictures | World news |

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Seven Years Since The UN Set The Global Thermostat

Lodi News-Sentinel – Google News Archive Search

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Summers Getting Shorter Here In Fort Collins

In the late 19th century Fort Collins averaged about 200 days between the last spring snow and the first autumn snow, but summer is almost a month shorter now.

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If The Science Is Settled, Why Do They Have To Come Up With New Theories Every Three Weeks?

At least once every three weeks, the team comes up with a new theory to explain why their last “settled science” theory failed.

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Tornadoes Used To Be Caused By Global Cooling, But Now Are Caused By Global Warming

In 1975, tornadoes were blamed on global cooling. Now, Joe Romm blames tornadoes on global warming, during the coldest spring on record and the quietest three years of tornadoes on record. Tornadoes, Extreme Weather And Climate Change | ThinkProgress

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US Tornado Deaths In Sharp Decline Since The 1920s

In the 1920’s hundreds of Americans died every year in tornadoes. Tornado deaths are much less common now, despite the fact that the number of people in harms way in Tornado Alley is much larger. US Annual Tornado Death Tolls, … Continue reading

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Understanding The 97% Consensus

It turns out that 97% of IPCC scientists are actually government officials. Prof Stavins, Harvard’s Professor of Business and Government, was one of two ‘co-ordinating lead authors’ of a key report published by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change … Continue reading

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Donation Button

Disrupting the Borg is expensive. A number of readers have suggested I do this, so I added a donate button on the right side of the blog. There is a guy in Boulder named Zip Code Man, who has every … Continue reading

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2014 : Coldest Nights On Record In The US

US 2014 nighttime temperatures through April 27 are the coldest on record, by a wide margin. Global warming theory requires that nighttime temperatures increase. Generated by GHCN commands: ./getdaily ./ghcn.exe US28042014.txt through=0427

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