Monthly Archives: April 2014

1923 Shock News : Radical Change In Arctic Climate – Unheard Of Temperatures – Glaciers Disappearing

TimesMachine: February 25, 1923 – According to NASA, temperatures were very cold in 1923, much colder than the 1970’s – when Arctic ice was rapidly expanding. Fig.A2.gif (658×474) If you believe the NASA temperature record like Mosher does, then the … Continue reading

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Consensus Science At Its Finest

For most of the 20th century, the scientific consensus ridiculed anyone who believed that the continents moved. By 1980, the scientific consensus gave up on blocking progress in geology, and turned their attention to blocking progress in climate science.

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Death Spiral Update : No Change In Arctic Ice For 10 Years

In 2007, Nobel laureate Al Gore said the Arctic is “falling off a cliff” and the ice will be gone by 2014.  Like all good climate experts, he based his projection on six weeks worth of data. Arctic sea ice is … Continue reading

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Experts Say Two Degrees Will Kill Us All

North Dakota has 130 degree swings in temperature every year, but scientists say that two degrees of temperature change will destroy the earth.

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Nothing To See Here, Move Along

There was nothing suspicious about Petraeus being targeted two days before he was scheduled to testify about Benghazi. There was certainly nothing suspicious about Ben Carson getting a tax audit after criticizing Obama. Not a smidgen of corruption behind the IRS … Continue reading

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Holdren Predicts One Meter Of Sea Level Rise In The Next 40 Years

Obama’s science czar John Holdren predicts 25 mm/year sea level rise starting tomorrow, and his equally intelligent buddy says Arctic ice lost 40 meters thickness in one year. Philippine Daily Inquirer – Jan 30, 2005 Philippine Daily Inquirer – Google News Archive … Continue reading

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Scientists Say Sea Level Will Rise One Foot In The Next Two Years

SIGNIFIGANT RISE IN SEA LEVEL NOW SEEMS CERTAIN By ERIK ECKHOLM Published: February 18, 1986 MANY scientists are so sure that the sea level will rise visibly in the coming decades that they are advising planners to adopt new strategies … Continue reading

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John McCain Says Trace Amounts Of CO2 Are The Biggest Threat The Earth Has Ever Faced

Philippine Daily Inquirer – Google News Archive Search

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John Holdren’s Science Cohort Wanted To Poison The Food And Water Supply Of Africans

Obama’s science czar John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich worked closely together. Ehrlich wanted to poison the food and water supply in Africa A STERILITY DRUG IN FOOD IS HINTED – Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth – View Article … Continue reading

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1932 Shock News : Scientists Said Melting Polar Ice Caps Would Drown The Planet

TimesMachine: May 15, 1932 –

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