Please Make Some Effort To Stay On Topic

Thank you

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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52 Responses to Please Make Some Effort To Stay On Topic

  1. omanuel says:

    Thanks for the reminder. Oliver

    • geran says:

      Point well taken, Oliver.

    • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

      “Anything That Moves: Beyond the Myths of Bisexuality, was purposely chosen for its controversial nature, while its tag line indicated a clear intent to challenge stereotypes of bisexual identities and behaviors. The magazine took its name from the stereotype depicting bisexuals as willing to have sex with “anything that moves”.”

      • _Jim says:

        … text lifted straight out of:

        Was there a point being made?

        ‘AnythingThatMoves’ – … a literary, journalistic, and topical magazine published in the United States from 1990 to 2002. It was created as an expansion of the San Francisco Bay Area Bisexual Network (BABN) newsletter by BABN member, Karla Rossi, in collaboration with bisexual and bi-friendly editors, writers, and artists to become a full 64-page magazine with an international subscriber base.

        • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

          The *point*?

          A crackpot *INSANE* child rapist is the No. 1 commemter of the No. 2 skeptical blog. Fuck you if you think that’s everyday kosher, because, objectively and morally, you are *wrong* in a gutter sense that elicites pity and detached disgust instead of scorn.

          Are you a sock puppet of an incestuous baby rape sodomizer?

          At what point do you finally say “no?”

          Hi Steve. Hi Oliver. Nice to fight your incestuous sock puppets.

          Steve is the vigorous loser of healthy culture.

          The guy who so much hated on alpha male Watts, that he added idiot displays to basic data mining, then called data requests CRAZY.

          Steven Mann isn’t my man.

          He’s a data effete faggot.

          The biggest downtrodden reject of normal healthy human culture of all.

          He *is* a child rape enthusiast.

          Not a skeptic.


        • _Jim says:

          The foregoing on the first read and subsequent mental parse Does Not Compute …

  2. You didn’t enjoy neutron repulsion?

  3. Sparks says:

    What’s the topic? because Oliver (as mentioned above) makes more sense than any theory which causes an entire planets temperature to rise artificially and that this temperature can be controlled by laying a financial burden on the poorest people who are just trying to survive, If you want to curb a climate changing, supernatural temperature increasing, climate cooling, weather inducing gas? Simply listen to and be respectful of other opinions and points of view.

    But also having a fantastic sense of humor like Steven and myself also helps. 😛

  4. Sparks says:

    _Jim says:
    April 28, 2014 at 1:32 am

    ” entertain me lol 🙂 ”

    I tried; evidently ‘I died’. English is not your native tongue?

    F.You lol English is my native language cheeky…

    You have no idea how far the volume goes on my system.. all the way to 11.

    I’m enjoying that AC/DC track Cheers big ears! 🙂

  5. Mike says:

    I like Blueberry Muffins.

  6. darrylb says:

    My topic right now.. I have just put eleven breeding pairs on my Ark. We have no drought here!!! in southern MN.

  7. _Jim says:

    Another fave –

    AC/DC – TNT (Live with Bon Scott)

  8. _Jim says:

    Unusually smooth for AC/DC – a nice change of pace …

    AC/DC – Ride On (with Bon Scott)

  9. Sparks says:

    Stay on topic ffs.

    Show me your friends data lol

    • _Jim says:

      Firstly, can you read a technical spec sheet (we’re talking watts, amps, volts, SPL referenced to in dB or ‘deciBels’ and speaker efficiency… any of this comprehensible?)

      I don’t have time to each electrical engineering (or physics) ‘to a dog’ (as the saying goes.)

      Stand too close to a Jerico Horn and you can be turned into hamburger (the ‘helper’ is optional)…

      Danley Sound Labs

      • Sparks says:

        Lucky for you Jim I’m a second generation electrical engineer.. I’ve been known to understand complex specs, must be my advanced educational curiosity or it could be the fact that I worked as a professional sound and lighten engineer for tons of bands in hundreds of venues in my time, there is no way that your friend “amped” a volume of 12, even if he/she did accomplish such a miraculous feat this would mean a scientific breakthrough of paradigm shifting proportions not seen since Spinal Tap.

        • _Jim says:

          re: Sparks says April 28, 2014 at 2:43 am
          Lucky for you Jim I’m a second generation electrical engineer.. I’ve been known to understand complex specs, must be my advanced educational curiosity or it could be the fact that I worked as a professional sound and lighten engineer for tons of bands in hundreds of venues in my time, there is no way that your friend “amped” a volume of 12 …

          You’re just being wholly obtuse now; you know what I mean. And if you don’t know Danley Sound Labs, you’re missing out on some spectacular sound ‘transducers’ …

          You might appreciate this, although your attitude is a little ‘sucky’ right now:

          Danley Sound Labs Jericho on Ledreborg 2012

  10. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    End of the first period, Texas 1, California 0.,0,2881400.story#axzz308qbWKR0

    California will start the second period with a 5 minute major for Lack of Common Sense.

  11. Sparks says:

    _Jim says:
    April 28, 2014 at 2:57 am

    “You’re just being wholly obtuse now; you know what I mean.”

    Sorry Jim no obtuseness intended. Cool sound check! I like it!

    • _Jim says:

      And now … the test.

      1) How many ‘speakers’ in a line array configuration were replaced by just (how many?) Danley Jerichos?

      2) Was the FOH engineer a) satisfied or b) dissatisfied with their performance?

      3) Were the Jerichos more or less ‘stable’ (comb effect) sound-wise in the wind than the previously used line arrays?

      4) Was any additional or was less EQing required to eliminate feedback effects with the Jerichos compared to the line arrays?

      This might be of interest too, white papering ‘explaining’ their (Danley’s) technology:

      • Sparks says:

        1) how many times are the Jerichos used per-week?
        2) how much servicing is required per-year?
        3) hitting a large crowd with x amount is uncomfortable and actually dangerous.
        4) having a good time at a gig should not involve show-offs trying to be the loudest ever.

        A good sound engineer understands crowd dampening, they compensate before the gig during the sound check, they do not blast the front of the crowd with weapons grade sound intensity to a point where it actually becomes painful.

        Notice in the video how far away the crowd was repealed. The reason is because it was unconformable.

        • _Jim says:

          I think you are raising invalid points. Each of the issues raised can be refuted, 1 – 4 inclusive. These issues may, in fact, be more reflective of how you play the game, or what you perceive others to be doing, as opposed to those who engage in solid, knowledgeable engineering as ‘practiced’ by the adults in the room.

          (IOW, I detect a ‘sound man’ whose ego has been badly bruised … )

          Have you ever actually compared ‘line array’ technology to the Tapped Horn design (the so-called Synergy Horn design)? I think not. You have some ways to go yet in the sound biz in that case …


  12. Sparks says:

    *repelled and *uncomfortable sory aboot bhe tlypoos.

  13. Sparks says:


    Why on earth would I need too? you need a better sales pitch than that!

    “Each of the issues raised can be refuted”
    Each of the issues raised are designed to be refuted in one way or another.. who looks silly now?

    Show me the data lol

  14. Sparks says:

    Lighten up Jim.

    ya wee shit!

  15. Morgan says:

    Yes it’s good to stay on topic. That’s why I’m staying on topic here. I believe in topics. Topics are good to stay on. If you have to stay on something, it might as well be a topic. I’m thinking of starting a hotel chain called Topic so people can stay there. I mean on.

  16. Robertv says:

    An Englishman and a Dutch man are standing outside.
    “Spring is in the air” says the Englishman
    “Why should I “responds the Dutch guy.

  17. ed k says: thought you all would like….radicalization continues for those alarmists

    • David A says:

      Ed, comments are easy there. Below is mine. I highly recommend skeptics comment more.

      The facts are quiet simple. The rate of warming is FAR below all the climate computer models. There is no increase in droughts, hurricanes, tornados, fires, floods, etc. (Even the IPCC report says this.) Global sea ice has been above normal for most of the past two years.

      And most of all, CO2 is a net benefit to the planet. Currently we grow about 15% more food, with no additional water required to grow that food, then we could in a 260 PPM CO2 atmosphere, vs the current 400PPM. It is plant food, and the earth is greening.

      For a comprehensive review of the science on this, read this report…

      It is a synopsis of hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers containing thousand of real world observations, (vs computer models)

      • David A says:

        Any bets as to if my comment clears moderation?

        • David A says:

          On the right hand side please note the column with post titles. The one tilted WTF Dad, may get your blood pressure up. If this comment of mine makes it past moderation I will be pleased;

          Dear Son

          Sorry but your arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance. Sea Level rise is not accelerating. Here is one article that begins to describe some of the issues with measuring.

          The facts are quiet simple. The rate of warming is FAR below all the climate computer models. There is no increase in droughts, hurricanes, tornados, fires, floods, etc. (Even the IPCC report says this.) Global sea ice has been above normal for most of the past two years.

          And most of all, CO2 is a net benefit to the planet. Currently we grow about 15% more food, with no additional water required to grow that food, then we could in a 260 PPM CO2 atmosphere, vs the current 400PPM. CO2 is plant food, and the earth is greening.

          For a comprehensive review of the science on this, read this report…

          It is a synopsis of hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers containing thousand of real world observations, (vs computer models)

          Son, your arrogance will only be cured by humility and education, The veracity of the link I gave to the NIPCC report is not related to your approval of who did it, or who sponsored it. The only things cogent are if the hundreds of peer reviewed papers linked are an accurate reflection of real world observations, and your willingness to read.

          I spent over five hundred hours reading BOTH sides, before beginning to form an opinion.

          Also begin to learn the terrible human suffering and poverty of your ineffective and unneeded cures. Here are two simple articles to get you started.

          Now read one hundred more articles and papers on both sides. THEN, and only then, begin to form an opinion. And before you shame yourself and quote something stupid like, “97% of scientist agree.”;
          please read about the MAJOR flaws in those studies, and then go to the Oregon Petition web site. Before you accept the shallow critics of the plus 30 thousand scientist who signed this petition, read the rebuttals to the criticism. (Then you may begin to form an opinion.)

          With love and hope you grow up soon

        • ed k says:

          Great stuff, my above link is what I receive as a graduate of that Cambridge school. WTG is just Fantastic stuff. A classmate of mine, who run got pissed that I, in admittingly crude way, reminded him that hurricanes like sandy hit NY every 70 years or so but it is difficult, but not impossible, for a storm to make a west turn into the city. He also did not like it when I pointed out that it is risky to build in swamps and barrior beaches, just a whole lot of fun.

        • Billy Liar says:

          It hasn’t yet.

          The author of that blog appears to target children. Much easier than targeting adults who might be able to think for themselves.

          I find it rather creepy (and I suspect the kids do too!).

        • David A says:

          Well the lad may not check his blog often, but comments are still in moderation The post WTF Dad, just pissed me off. My Daughter graduated from Oxford. A very expensive indoctrination and brainwash. A part of the academic brainwash is to practice bigotry against old Folk, especially white old folk. Amazing how easily kids buy up the line and repeat it.

    • omanuel says:

      Thanks for the link, ed k.

      I am not a graduate of Harvard, but I confronted one of that institution’s distinguished astophysicists at the AGU meeting in April 1976. I posted the following for him:

      Reliable experimental data on pages 19-27 of the following document show major errors in:

      1. AGW’s CO2 Climate Model
      2. The Standard Solar Model
      3. The Standard Nuclear Model

      “A Journey to the Core of the Sun – Chapter 2: Acceptance of Reality

      I will be happy to respond to anyone who is willing to discuss these precise experimental data in public.

      With kind regards,
      Oliver K. Manuel
      Former NASA Principal
      Investigator for Apollo

  18. Ragtag Media says:

    Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers is a “Democrat”.

  19. Alec, aka daffy duck says:

    They say I have A.D.D. they just don’t understand… Oh look, a chicken!

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