Understanding Workplace Violence

If you shout Islamic epithets while gunning down US soldiers eating lunch, that is workplace violence.

But if you raise food in Nevada on land your family has worked for 140 years, you are a terrorist.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Understanding Workplace Violence

  1. cohenite says:

    Hi Steve, do you have a specific link to this graph from FAR:


    You have posted it often with this link:


    But where in the report is it?


  2. Chuck says:

    Dumbest people on the face of the planet.

  3. philjourdan says:

    But we must “love” the illegals! jeb told us so.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    Ever hear of setting up a False Flag event?
    That is what this looks like

  5. Jason Calley says:

    Is Clive Bundy a tax cheat? I don’t think so — but if he were, I would proudly shake his hand. Our taxes no longer support a Constitutional Republic; are we doing good or evil when we pay them? For one of the most epic rants on “The Truth About Taxes”, see Stephan Molyneux

  6. Chip Bennett says:

    The “domestic terrorists” were the snipers with assault rifles trained on law-abiding American citizens.

    The “domestic terrorists” were the BLM hired-goon cattle rustlers who shot two bulls owned by a private citizen, and destroyed irrigation systems owned, installed, and operated by that private citizen.

    The “domestic terrorists” were the federal agents who attempted to set up “First Amendment Zones”, who threw elderly, cancer-surviving women to the ground without provocation, and who tazed law-abiding citizens who were peacefully assembled and protesting for redress of grievances.

    • Gail Combs says:

      The USA has suffered a coup d’état and only now are some waking up and realizing it.

      • philjourdan says:

        I see it more as a dereliction of duty.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Officers of the law, military and elected politicians all swear to uphold the Constitution. Yet many are KNOWINGLY violating the Constitution. All the Senators and all but three of the Congressmen voted FOR the Anti-occupy law that allowed ” ….federal agents who attempted to set up “First Amendment Zones”, who threw elderly, cancer-surviving women to the ground without provocation, and who tazed law-abiding citizens who were peacefully assembled and protesting for redress of grievances….”

          Notice how this law was never really mentioned by the MSM. How come the left who LOVES their protests never made a giant fuss over this law before it was passed?

          … The law is titled the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act, and it passed unanimously in the Senate and with only three “no” votes in the House. It was called the “Trepass Bill” by Congress and the “anti-Occupy law” by everyone else who commented.

          The law “improves” public grounds by forcing people – protestors – elsewhere. It amends an older law that made it a federal crime to “willfully and knowingly” enter a restricted space. Now you will be found guilty of this offense if you simply “knowingly” enter a restricted area, even if you did not know it was illegal to do so. The Department of Homeland Security can designate an event as one of “national significance,” making protests or demonstrations near the event illegal.

          The law makes it punishable by up to ten years in jail to protest anywhere the Secret Service “is or will be temporarily visiting,” or anywhere they might be guarding someone. Does the name Secret tell you anything about your chances of knowing where they are? The law allows for conviction if you are “disorderly or disruptive,” or if you “impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions.” You can no longer heckle or “boo” at a political candidate’s speech, as that would be disruptive….

          And then there is the problem of the military acting as law enforcement

          The Law of Posse Comitatus
          Police and military powers once statutorily divided are swiftly merging

          President Bush unveiled his broad “Homeland Security” department proposal in mid-July, including “a review of the law that could allow the military to operate more aggressively within the United States.” The proposal champions a “greater involvement of military personnel” in “domestic preparedness and response efforts.” Prior to this broad proposal, Department of Defense (DOD) officials repeatedly stated that they had no intention to recommend rewriting or repealing the Posse Comitatus Act, a post-Civil War statute that restricts the military’s ability to participate in civilian law enforcement. That cautious approach has now been openly abandoned.

          At this point, it may not matter. Not much of the Posse Comitatus Act is left to repeal. Whatever viewpoint you come at it from, whether from the perspective of an Army Delta Force commander or an antiglobalization activist, the Posse Comitatus Act no longer provides the strong wall between the military and domestic law enforcement for which it was originally intended.
          “The military has been dragged into various internal security roles for a long time now,” recently commented Peter Kraska, an expert on the militarization of local police….

          During the Kent State riots we already have an example of how military troops (National Guard) will fire on unarmed protesters killing them.

          Add in Why has Obama Fired 197 US Senior Military Commanders in 5 years? (nine Generals in 2013) followed by the fact that Obama is a “Community Organizer” who got his buddy Attorney General Eric Holder to send Department of Justice (DoJ) employees down to Florida to incite riots over Zimmerman shooting Martin in self defense. Judicial Watch FOIA docs show DoJ facilitated Zimmerman protests in Florida

          Now we have Harry Reid labeling supporters of Cliven Bundy ‘Domestic Terrorists’, and says a Federal Task Force is now being assembled. HEY Reid, exactly WHO does that land belong to. YOU with your plans to erect solar farms and make a bundle in kick backs?

          …A BLM document unearthed last week discusses mitigation strategies for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, just southwest of the Bundy ranch. The “mitigation strategy” proposed to use the grazing lands near the Bundy ranch as a kind of sanctuary for the desert tortoise, because the entire region is slated for a large number of solar, wind and geothermal energy generation facilities….

          The more I read the more contempt I have for the current US government. Lets just hope Obummer and his Chicago mob buddies do not manage to light the racial tension fuse they have been so busy fanning and incite riots all over the country so they can enact permanent Martial Law.

          Napolitano also said ‘Domestic Terrorists’, were the real problem.

          Out of one side of her mouth Janet Napolitano is stating: ” The terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland has continued to “evolve” and may now “be at its most heightened state” since the September 11, 2001” Out of the other side of her mouth she is busy assuring Americans that the southern border is “more secure than ever”. So secure in fact that Homeland Security canceled building the fence that was part of the promise made to Americans during the LAST amnesty law for illegals. She also DECREASED the southern border patrol by “several hundred agents.” On top of that three of the four border states lost their National Guard troops since they were called up and sent overseas. This is despite Radical Islam making major inroads among Latin America’s Native peoples.

          In other words let’s forget the illegals and possible terrorists streaming in across our southern border and focus on removing even more freedom from the everyday Americans by calling them “Homegrown Terrorists” (See my link on False Flag event above.)

          As I said the USA has suffered a coup d’état. We just haven’t noticed it because it has been done slowly and secretively as our Constitutional rights are removed one by one.

  7. henrythethird says:

    I could imagine the outrage if Nevada had a sudden influx of new residents, with one goal in mind: become a resident long enough to become a voter (usually 6 months), register Republican and declare a desire to oust Harry Reid.

    I imagine Harry’s next step will to be set up “border crossings”, checking the voting preferences of everyone entering into Nevada.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Once you move to Nevada you must get a drivers licence within 30 days… you can file a divorce petition after 6 weeks residence.

  8. Pathway says:

    Harry needs his own room at the resort known as GITMO right next to the one occupied by the Little Dictator.

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