Monthly Archives: July 2014

Just Like In That Movie …

In the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” – global warming made Greenland suddenly drop to -140F. summit:status:webcam Can Manhattan be far behind? h/t to Robertv

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Frequency Of Hot Days In The Midwest Plummeting And Lowest On Record

The US Midwest is experiencing the lowest frequency of 90 degree days on record this year. Hot days were ten times more common during the 1930s.

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Midwest US Having Its Coldest Year On Record

Temperatures in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan through July, are the coldest on record this year.

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GIStemp – who needs Antarctic data or temps near ice.

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Before Michael Mann Erased It, Even The New York Times Knew That The MWP Was Warmer

CHANGING CLIMATE INDICATED IN ARCTIC – Professor Griggs Traces Fate of Lost Norse Colonies to Increasing Greenland Cold. TREE ROOTS PIERCE BODIES

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Latest From NOAA’s Hottest Year Ever

It became obvious (based on the latest propaganda) about two months ago that NOAA had made a decision to try to make 2014 the hottest year ever. This is in direct contradiction to much more accurate satellite data, which which shows … Continue reading

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Climate Flees The Arctic And Moves To California

The Arctic is having record cold this summer. Look at this unbelievable forecast of below freezing temperatures over the Beaufort Sea for the rest of the month. 10-Day Temperature Outlook The cold is going to produce the most Arctic summer sea … Continue reading

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Climate Experts Tell Us That Greenland Is Melting Down At -18C


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There Was Never Any Question That The MWP And LIA Were Real

30 Sep 1951 – Glaciers may tell future

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Scientists Recycle The Same Climate Crap, Generation After Generation

13 Feb 1941 – Impending Climatic Change. These people have no idea what they are talking about. They just want funding and attention.

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