Monthly Archives: July 2014

Five Chances To Win One Hundred Trillion Dollars!

A physics professor has offered $30,000 for anyone who can disprove a straw man argument, which no one disagrees with. Physics professor and climate change expert Dr. Christopher Keating is offering a $30,000 reward to anyone who can disprove that … Continue reading

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GISS Data Tampering – Worse Than It Seems

My previous animation of GISS US temperatures wasn’t quite right. What I had labeled as the 1999 version, was actually the 2000 version. The animation below shows the actual 1999 version. As of 1999, 1998 was the fifth hottest year … Continue reading

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Debate Takers So Far : Zero

I put out a general offer to debate about a week ago, and so far no takers. My critics prefer to create a fact-free straw man image of me (stupid birther on the Koch payroll) and then bravely attack the … Continue reading

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It Is Dead, Jim

A couple of weeks ago reader NikFromNYC declared this blog to be dead, because I didn’t censor differing viewpoints, and was butting heads with the orthodoxy on both sides of the debate. Today marks the fourth day in the last ten … Continue reading

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Looking Back On Some UCS Lies From 2007

How much misinformation can the Union of Concerned Scientists pack into one report? Report Warns of a Much Warmer Northeast By Marc Kaufman Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, July 12, 2007 People in Philadelphia would swelter through as many as 30 … Continue reading

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Another Proxy Showing That NCDC US Temperature Adjustments Are Bogus

Since 1967, North American winter snow extent has been increasing, with many recent years being in the top twenty. The only reasonable explanation for this is that cold Arctic air is pushing further south into the United States during winter, … Continue reading

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1912 Shock News : Your SUV Had Already Ruined The Climate

West Gippsland Gazette  19 March 1912 CHANGE IN CLIMATE.  GREEN CHRISTMASES  By C. Le Lacy Evans, in the”Daily Mail.” For many years back we have witnessed a noticeable climatic change in   our winters in England, Scotland, and Northern Europe generally, together with … Continue reading

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35 Years Ago, Climate Change Made The Australian Soccer Team Happy

In a shocking violation of the well established UN principles of climate justice, the 1979 Australian soccer team permitted themselves to enjoy a very rapid change of climate. 15 Nov 1979 – SOCCER Climate change raises spirits after draw

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1903 Shock News : Climate Change Occurred Before The SUV Was Invented


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Revulsion And Anger At Good News

Climate alarmists simply can’t stand any good news like no warming for 18 years or global sea ice above normal for the last two years. They get very angry when presented with any good news, and have all sorts of … Continue reading

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