Monthly Archives: July 2014

Someone Put It Out Of Its Misery

Argentina/Switzerland has completely sucked so far. And now an extra 30 minutes.

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Hank Johnson Speaks Out On Denial, And The Reality Of Climate Change

Excellent news. New research shows that Guam has not tipped over yet. [youtube=] Representative Johnson is not only worried about Guam tipping over, but is also quite concerned that 0.0001 mole fraction of Mann-made CO2 will destroy the planet. Rep. … Continue reading

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GISS Diverging From Reality At A Phenomenal Rate

Gavin is doing an excellent job following in Hansen’s footsteps, keeping GISS global temperatures diverging from reality at a phenomenal rate. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs NASA says that satellite temperatures are much more accurate, but since they don’t fit the computer models … Continue reading

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I disagree with the criticism of Bradley. He has the self-confidence and poise to control the ball in the mid-field, which combined with Tim Howard’s flawless performance has kept the US in the tournament. Will Altidore play?

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Illinois USHCN Infilled Temperatures Warming 14 Degrees Per Century Faster Than Measured Ones

NOAA’s program of making up temperatures for stations which don’t report in a given month, has produced a 14F/century divergence between the fake temperatures and the actual measured ones in Illinois. Climate experts and several prominent skeptics agree that the NOAA methodology … Continue reading

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Climate Experts Believe They Can Improve The Weather Through A Carbon Tax

TimesMachine: August 22, 1899 –

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Global Warming Continues To Hit Australia Hard

Heavy Snow Brings July Joy in Australia – InTheSnow | Ski Magazine

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Lost And Found

Six years ago, the US had three branches of government – legislative, judicial, and the teleprompter branch. By January of this year that had been reduced to a pen and a phone, and now our entire system of government consists of … Continue reading

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Baby Steps

Uninteresting Putz admits the US is cooling. One baby step at a time.

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