Monthly Archives: July 2014

Jerry Brown’s 1977 Global Cooling BS, Recycled As Jerry Brown’s 2014 Global Warming BS

In 1977, Governor Brown warned that California was facing an unprecedented drought, blamed at the time on global cooling This year, Governor Brown warned that California faces an unprecedented drought caused by global warming Trenberth says that 2014 freak lightning and fires … Continue reading

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Latest From The Nutty Professor

Michael Mann: Public opinion critical for climate change fight If it’s seemed warm to you of late, you’d be right. It is warm — in southeastern Pennsylvania, throughout the state July 29, 2014 Greenhouse gas emissions contribute to climate change … Continue reading

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After 35 Years Of Unprecedented Melting, The Amount Of Sea Ice On Earth Is The Same As 35 Years Ago (512×412)

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I’d Love To, But As Usual You Are Lying

I just got this E-mail from the White House. Just the usual complete bullshit from Barack Obama.

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Orwell Explains Why This Blog Generates So Much Controversy

In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act. – George Orwell

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Understanding NOAA Math

Much of the Earth is having record cold (Eastern/Central US, North Pole, Antarctica) No place is having record heat. Nothing like the summer of 1936 in the US or 2003 in Europe. NOAA sums the widespread 2014 record cold with no record heat, and determines … Continue reading

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This Afternoon May Be Record Cold In Maryland

Laurel, MD is currently 68 degrees (1:30PM) and not warming. The previous coldest July 29 maximum was 71 degrees in 2001. In 1930, it was 100 degrees on this date.

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Planned Breakage At Google

About a year ago, Google broke the ability to search their newspaper archives by date. They claimed at the time that they were upgrading their newspaper archive interface, but it was always obvious that they had broken it on purpose … Continue reading

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Why Is It Cold Outside?

July 29, Gaithersburg MD.  I just walked to the grocery store to get some lunch, and it is cold outside. The overheated atmosphere acts in strange and mysterious ways.

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Trenberth Climate Scam Of The Day (So Far)

Trenberth is trying to blame a lightning storm in LA on carbon dioxide. “On the West Coast,” Trenberth said, “you don’t have the complex vertical structure and wind shear typically associated with lightning storms.” But a changing climate may alter … Continue reading

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