NOAA says temperatures are being adjusted upwards. This graph understates the amount of current tampering by more than 100%, but clearly shows the direction of the tampering.
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Who are you gonna believe? Mosher, or your lyin’ eyes?
For some grant money I’ll take Mosher.
I’ll take some EPA Funding … Hell… Which graph do you want…
Hot or Hotter… !!
Mosher believes in climate models too.
My Climate Model says it will be 130 Degrees tomorrow …
What will Mosher do??
Judging from the pictures I see from Boston I’m assuming that is 130°K.
[do I need the </sarc> tag?]
He doesn’t believe in official data
Understates by more than 100%? I think that needs a little rephrasing.
Yes, computer models that can’t even predict ONE SEASON AHEAD.
Heck they cant predict a week ahead and in some cases can’t predict a day ahead.
I’ll be amazed if they get this afternoon right.
One interesting thing over there at Curry’s site was the second to last thread up: Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data. Mosher and Zeke had a go at public relations and failed miserably. The post is a damage control reply to recent articles criticizing the data tampering uncovered by various 3rd parties and is allegedly authored by Robert Rohde, Zeke Hausfather, Steve Mosher. I only say “allegedly” because the top post shows no signs of Steve Mosher authorship, at least forensically. There are no typos, no missing or incorrect punctuation, no random paragraph breaks (mis-applied CRLF), no childish Twitter-like shorthand, no missing or mis-applied capitalization, no transposition of homophones like “effect” and “affect”.
Although I digress here, this is NOT a nitpick, it is key to understanding Mosher because he employs a communication style that is at best amateur and lazy, but better described as arrogant and showing his utter contempt for even having to communicate with people in the first place, let alone having to respond to criticism. His “friend” Willis and several others have in the past responded to my criticism of this Mosher trademark in knee-jerk fashion, using terms like grammar/spelling N@zi or calling them typos. In doing so they show their own laziness in not following along the logic and demonstrating their own shortcomings of not knowing in fact what a typo is. “Affect” and “Effect” are not typos on any normal keyboard, and you cannot blame the first letter of a word on auto-correct/complete, and he has done it on several occasions ( sorry Willis but that makes your reflexive defense of this “nitpick” as a typo to be *incorrect*, i.e., you are wrong ). But the real point is that Mosher is an alleged English major who presumably burned up his electives on padding classes like communication and literature, certainly no electives on higher math. Then we have the fact that he is a self-selected climate expert ( an Earth Science ) and is attributed to co-authoring a book on the very subject ( clearly Thomas Fuller did the heavy lifting while Mosher probably shot him typically cryptic emails ). What I am getting at is that there is no bigger mistake as the “affect/effect” quasi-homphone for this particular person because it is allegedly at the core of his expertise – English and Science.
So there are now over one thousand comments and I read the whole thing. There is really no other way to describe it other than a bloodbath, for the Bezerkeley BEST propagandists. It almost makes me feel sorry for them, almost. Here, the self-described Lukewarmers had their target audience of Lukewarmers on a blog hosted by a self-described Lukewarmer and their every word was picked apart save for one or two well-known sycophants. And what most will find surprising is that Mosher has posted no less than 142 comments! The communication style of these comments match perfectly to the description above, demonstrating that no matter where he posts, even on friendly territory, he is as lazy/amateurish and showing contempt for his readers as anywhere else. Needless to say he has offered up a wealth of commentary to be examined, some of which I hope to get to soon.
Also of note is that Lubos did NOT show up, even for a moment to defend his new girlfriend Steve Mosher. As he now infamously describes himself as a Lukewarmer he had ample opportunity to jump to the rescue since that thread subject matter is exactly about what he just blogged about at his own site.
Lots more comments about this to follow 🙂
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
That’s un-edited of course, leaving in all his trademark communication skills. But if you can decipher it, understand that this is only meant to confuse and muddy the waters. By mentioning transcription errors he is attempting to mix-up and ultimately justify data pre-process tampering by mentioning this sole case of data correction.
Transcription errors ( or any error fixed by the data collector to the so-called “raw” original database ) is one thing. This, is data. It is to be guarded and protected.
Post-collection model pre-processing of the data ( smoothing, homogenizing, station infilling/dropping, averaging, etc ) is another entirely. This is NOT data any longer. This is what you go to jail for in accounting and everywhere else.
Mosher and Bezerkeley BEST and Mann and Jones and any data modeler has no business fixing/adjusting/correcting/tampering with the so-called “raw” data. Ever. Yet, that is the exact case is put forth in the same thread.
Ideally there should always be a separation of duties, the accounting department versus the sales floor and versus the boardroom. More generally that means the data collectors separated from the data consumers. There is a conflict of interest there as clear as day. These yo-yo’s want to get the “raw” data ( perhaps Phil Jones’ing the originals ), control it, process it, interpret it, pronounce grandiose plans at mitigation and shut us all up in the process. ( This latter step seems to be in the form of a whispering campaign from Mosher and Lubos mostly directed at Anthony whom they must believe will cast us away like the ‘SkyDragons’, whatever that means ).
By the way, I have to suggest that we avoid that term “raw” for any original data. It is clearly meant to be disparaging when comparing “Raw” to “Adjusted”. Ironically it actually means un-processed and un-cooked and un-tampered with. All much better words than “Raw”. I can’t stand the use of “Adjusted” or “Corrected”. When a weather station volunteer makes a mistake he might “correct” it, and he might “adjust” the equipment. I can’t see how either of their terms apply to the Warmunist community of AGW propagandists.
Actually The Mosh Pup isn’t even being truthful about the data they use being untouched before they mangle it further. Ben said over at Jo Nova’s on January 20, 2014 at 8:53 am
He is referring to Frank Lanser’s The Original Temperatures Project
Frank or his partner may be the Hidethedecline commenting at Judith Curry’s BTW.
So there looks like there is even more skulduggery going on.
I am reminded of E.M. Smith’s discovery years ago that Bolivia’s data (which is mostly high Andes mountains) was being “disappeared” by GISS — even though Bolivia was still reporting it. The Bolivian data was being replaced with….(wait for it)… estimated temperatures based on data from the pacific coast of Peru.
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
Well I can see at least one way to use the word “Adjustment” …
And Mosher does in fact re-use this little ruse several times in the thread. Let’s be clear, this is an algorithm “adjustment”. Do it if you want but just keep your hands off the original un-cooked data, mmkay? Of course it raises questions of what kind of knobs he built into his model that allows twisting to spit out these various outputs. Especially since he simultaneously goes on about the complete inverse case …
How can you reconcile the two of these? I don’t know. On one hand he says they don’t want to adjust too much and bury the LIA ( and presumably other blips and dips ) but on the other that it is not biased and hands off. It is too easy to nitpick that bullet list though, #2 stands out as a joke since any cooked data *is* synthetic, and #4 which is a WTF! If your algorithm has different results using identical data you are fired son. That’s not an algorithm but voodoo magic. Or a random number generator. But I have heard of this thing called the new math.
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
Five times so far I see him discussing the temperature records in slovania, a location I had no previous knowledge of. I did a quick search on our own Earth and several nearby planets for descriptions of this new land/country/kingdom but to no avail. Certainly he meant the former Yugoslav state Slovenia, and yes in fact it is correctly identified in other posts, but only when he copy/pastes someone else’s work product from in country.
Is this a nitpick? I suppose you might think so if you are the lazy type of sheeple that have swamped the social media of late ( grammar n@zi n@zis ), or the type that doesn’t mind insulting a newly independent nation that has been constantly gobbled up variously by regional empires and would like to at least be acknowledged by their actual name. If you are the type of person that refuses to proofread your own words this might get through once or twice, but five times? Here is a sample of Mosher’s attention to detail …
That’s un-edited of course, leaving in all his trademark communication skills. I am not an English Major but I can certainly recognize the type of writing that the teacher/professor would throw back in your face if you had the arrogance to bother handing it in in the first place.
But this does go directly to the point of trust. I would not hire this applicant as an employee. If he got through the vetting I would fire him for gross incompetence. He clearly lacks the self-respect to make his work product accurate and presentable. Can you trust this level of self-awareness? It is actually arrogance as I mentioned above, arrogance from a person above the rest of us, but that doesn’t change the fact that his work cannot be trusted, ever.
Contrast this against Willis, who whether you love him or hate him does pay meticulous attention to detail, dotting the “i”‘s, crossing the “t”‘s, so to speak. I would trust him to write and comment computer code, manage corporate spreadsheets, even file our income taxes because there is a high probability that he would be harder on himself than anyone else and be thoroughly embarrassed at mistakes. And he is NOT an English major, but simply one who respects both the consumer of his work product, and himself. Were Mosher not an alleged English Major I suppose this would be far less significant, but it is what it is.
This little country name mistake also brings to mind the subject of “station moves” and how the Bezerkeley BEST handles it. For example, Mosher explains why there are duplicate records in the mix. Responding to a question “There seems to be an infestation of duplicated data in your analysis” …
One must wonder now just how Steve Mosher’s lack of attention to detail such as the spelling of a country factors in to station duplication.
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
Actually this one is Zeke …
I really hope the next time Zeke drops by here that Steve makes him specify these allegations. No Zeke …
* Posting snapshots of actual historic newspapers is NOT making things up.
* Graphing un-tampered data is NOT making things up.
* Graphing the contrasting warmie tampered-with data is NOT making things up.
* Quoting you and your heroes verbatim is NOT making things up.
Associating you and your ilk with dangerous propagandists of the near-past is NOT making things up. It is our damned duty. Start reading the words of the Founders rather than science-fictionist crackpots for a change.
And why? Well, with Federal budgets that consume 125% of the annual “revenue” ( disgusting word for taxes ), yes, I just said 125% or in other words it consumes all the taxes plus another 1/4 in red ink which accumulates and incurs it’s own penalties resulting in a nominal debt currently of $17 Trillion, which is far better written as 17 Thousand Billion for the math-challenged, and growing by the hour/minute/second ad infinitum.
So it is our damned duty to stop you cold in your tracks for your willful or blissfully ignorant attempt to strap yet another monstrous obligation on future Americans ( who may be your very own kids and grandkids for God’s sake ). Only staggering drunks spend money like it is free, and only Socialist Dummycrat criminals spend other people’s money. But this new paradigm of spending all the money that exists, PLUS money that has yet to be printed merits a special place in hell.
Scaring up the sheeple into accepting this bankruptcy under the guise of a degree of alleged warming, and sacrificing thousands to real death in the present ( as opposed to hypothetical future death in a worldwide Miami beach? ) is simply too evil for words, well, at least words that WordPress will accept.
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
He’s not going to like this one very much. But these are his actual words …
And again later …
Now in the former example, he absolutely endorses the use of the term “Denier” and it’s Neo-N@zi connotations in toto. Real classy Steve, but guess what you really just did. You literally have correlated missing/tampered data/records/stations with “allegedly” missing dead Jews. So I guess that means we are the ones trying to find their bodies/ashes while you are the one either burying them or “smoothing” and “homogenizing” them. You didn’t really think this metaphor out, did you? It actually puts a new twist on the missing records that Phil Jones famously lost. Where they shredded? Were they burned? You really want to pursue this holocaust thing? Meanwhile, I have another, serious, question. How many many people is it okay to sacrifice on the alter of Socialism/Liberalism/EcoN@zi-ism? Give me a number. Specifically, how many bodies dying in the cold year-after-year become a mathematical holocaust? When the hills and shorelines have countless idle windmills, and houses at amusingly high latitudes are simultaneously covered in solar panels and light-reflecting white paint ( seriously? ) while fuel-oil becomes rare and electricity un-affordable and the body count really begins to rise will any of your ilk wake up? IMHO, the actual N@zis are the ones that continue to goose-step willfully or ignorantly to this eco-cult whose stated and unstated goal is human population reduction but under a variety of different names and plans.
In the latter example Mosher is addressing Brandon who has a Jewish sounding surname so there is I believe the intention to bully or shame him into something or another. I’ll let Brandon defend himself and this despicable tactic as he so chooses. But I know what it looks like to me.
Here is an opportune time for an Object Lesson in Data Manipulation ( or an Abject Lesson which is not a real thing, but actually fits in this unique case ) …
Data is the original work product of someone, it is NOT to be tampered with. You don’t get to alter someone else’s work. Data might be thermometer readings, it might sales/expenditures numbers in a spreadsheet, it might be computer source code, it might be literature, music, lyrics. Such data is created/entered by the original author and can certainly be edited/corrected by that original author without reprisal ( although George Lucas might disagree here :-). Sometimes 3rd parties attempt to edit/correct but they usually clearly state this product as edited/abridged/translated etc. Plagiarism lives in this area. Still, we know it takes some chutzpah to change the words of Mark Twain or Shakespeare or a million other original works whether they be scientific or not. There are countless ways to make Einstein, Galileo or even Hansen appear to have said something they did not by altering their “data” ( their writings/words ). You get where I am going here Mosher? Sweating yet? Your “data” above is actually your “words”. Your words are your data. They are authored by you and no-one should tamper with them. Still don’t get it?
Wow, and without any data tampering at all that quote now just pops. Technically speaking, that “adjustment” was more like station cherry picking, with dropping of other nearby stations ( words/context ). No adjustment needed. But what if that “data” looks like it needs some adjustment? Come on now, you know it does. My algorithm senses an altered station name ( really, sometimes it is “smosher”, sometimes “Steven”, etc ) and that merits a break for discontinuity doesn’t it? Or sometimes ( rarely though ) he uses punctuation, spelling and proper margins which contrasts with all the other times and that signals an equipment change, or poor (eye)siting perhaps. Shall we tamper with your words, I mean data …
( Okay, we’ll leave that redacted, don’t ever say skeptics don’t have a heart, besides, the algorithm needs tweaking ). Perhaps now he’ll understand the simple point that any tampering of the original data leaves something else entirely, but that thing is not “original” data at all. In fact it can be easily twisted to imply the opposite. And this is often the case, especially with Cherry Picking.
If you really want to graph the original data with your own spin on it you should have glittering billboards of disclaimers upfront stating such: “OUR INTERPRETATION” or “ABRIDGED” or “ALTERED” or “TAMPERED WITH”. If you stick your fingers into the historical record ( or your allies like Hansen/Schmidt ) and change the past to cooler and suddenly 1934 or the LIA or MWP disappears then you have done something else entirely. An accountant that alters records before presenting them to the IRS, or a person that changes phone records or loses evidence before an investigation, they all go to jail ( unless they are tenured dummycrats ). The IRS example is pertinent here. There is far more money at stake in the AGW scam than any person or corporation has to hide from the IRS. And since taxpayer money has already been stolen from the treasury in the form of grants under fraudulent circumstances there are federal penitentiaries being under-utilized.
Finally, associating your critics with Neo-N@zis as you have endorsed here and as seen all the time by your collaborators is a true bottom of the barrel, last ditch effort. It may cower a few cowards, but those cowards you never really had to worry about anyway since they carry a white flag in their back pocket standard issue. Those that don’t cower at this reprehensible strategy are much more likely to become infuriated and redouble and quadruple their efforts. I know I am. If I were you Steve, I would be hoping that your “enemies” never stoop so low as to tamper with your “words” I mean “data” to make them appear different than originally intended. Hence, you might suddenly understand what terms like “corrupt”, “evil”, “criminal” mean with respect to data tampering.
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
In this installment, Monsieur Mosher allows a crystal clear glimpse into his mindset. Responding to a commenter who said: Even if BEST is the ‘best’ anyone can do, that does not mean that what it produces is sufficient to justify the policies it is used to promote. …
There are not one, but two glaring points in that little sentence/paragraph/Mosherism.
CO2 does NOT warm the planet. Terrestial CO2 that originates from this Earth is already present and is merely the result of recombination of existing molecules will add a big fat net ZERO ( or perhaps less if you can prove that the burning released some energy that escaped the atmosphere ) but over unity? Nope. Not in this universe.
*IF* the CO2 were somehow imported from another planet or something and injected into the atmosphere, *AND* no displacement of existing matter were released to offset this *THEN* we could see the rare case of increasing energy/mass and presumably heat/warming. I’m old enough to remember early USENET discussions on the Earth mass delta between the weight of sunlight/radiation and cosmic rays/particles and daily incoming space debris from meteorites versus the attrition rate of atmospheric diffusing into space plus rocket/satellite launches, etc. IIRC the consensus was that gravity rules and the net is positive so the Earth is constantly and immutably increasing in mass anyway ( we really are getting heavier but at the waistline level junk food is still the major variable in this function, sorry 😉 This measurement is already impossible to gauge, consequently added gaseous CO2 would once again be counted in the PPM or PPB or even less, somewhere between the weight of sunlight and cosmic rays. But I digress.
The heat that is here is a function primarily of incoming radiation from that big giant glowing ball in the sky, plus the non-trivial radioactive decay of heavy elements at the core some of which heatsinks through the mantle to the crust ( unless you want to believe there is a perfectly constrained and confined nuclear reactor down there which magically maintains its mass/energy volume precisely ). With these two obvious heat sources the only thing that CO2 or any other “greenhouse” gas in the atmosphere can do is DELAY heat loss, by capture and release, but it cannot “WARM the planet” by any stretch of the imagination.
So the point here is that Mosher has boiled down a simple scientific fact that CO2 is an inefficient thermal insulator into a partial sentence and using upside-down inside-out Mosher-dyslexia gets it completely wrong. Absolutely WRONG. If it were so magical that CO2 molecule, we could line our coats with the stuff or even keep our homes warmer. But it is NOT magic and it is inefficient not just because of narrow wavelengths of interest, and saturation points, but primarily because it is not uni-directional re-radiation of the “captured” energy. Some goes up, some sideways, some back down ( the latter of which has the Eco-Weenies so obsessed ). There’s a word for this conundrum, two actually: Diminishing Returns. There are two more come to think of it: Junk Science. Or Science Fiction. But still they will proceed to try to convince the Mensa members on Capitol Hill anyway, along with the sheeple in the general public.
Now look at the former point: the policies dont need to be justified by the temperature record. where Mosher either is laying the groundwork for a fallback position for when the numbers game is thoroughly exposed, or, he is demonstrating that remarkable God-complex arrogance ( by both him and Fuller ) shown in their intent on laying out grandiose plans to map out energy consumption/use/rules/methods not just for us peasants today, but also for future peasants and their grand-peasants. This God-complex is understandable in a modern “we’re so frickin evolved” kind of way that is common with those facebooking and twittering their latest thing in all their narcissistic pomposity, but guess what? Ain’t gonna happen Mosher ( and Fuller ). Sorry. No-one gets to actually do that for future descendants, nor have they ever in the past.
Now this part you are not gonna like at all. Steve ( and Fuller and all liberal do-gooders ) please pay attention because I am now going to do you a huge favor by cutting right to the chase and saving you from major disappointment later in case you freeze your thick heads and get resuscitated centuries from now … Ready? … Here it is … Even if you somehow succeeded in locking up all the oil and coal and “carbon” today, it will be dug out either tomorrow or the next day by later generations who will spit on your grave while they try to provide heat and food for their families. I especially mention the part about locking up the oil, because as time elapses and it sits in the ground, all that really occurs is that the USA will become the next Mega-Mega-Mega-Saudi sitting on the most valuable and accessible, liquid, marketable, useful commodity stockpile ever imagined. Bar none. If unicorns crapped out Gold it would not compare. To keep that oil in the ground it would require Star Trek level fantasies of food synthesizers, matter recombiners, transporters and warp drive coming online today. And they most likely never will. If you think something, anything is really valuable now, give it a couple of centuries of prohibition and sequestration.
But there’s more. Just in case you actually believe in a magic replacement from Star Trek or anywhere else, you have to ponder this, pardon me, negative “feedback” that would be operational should you limit the current means of energy production to windmills and solar panels. That feedback means less available surplus energy today and tomorrow to even research, let alone develop the dreamy technologies in the first place. Crimp energy production and you limit the chance of getting to the next one ( if there is one ). Your best and really your only possible bet would be to burn it all up right now! This is the only logical way to move on to achieve your utopia of clean, carbonless energy generation in the future. That’s what I call ironic.
Want another example of blissfully ignorant futurism? Keep expanding national parks to cover more and more lands, taking them out of the public inventory, locking up resources. At a certain point the people will just stop and quickly begin to unravel this “what you thought was so clever” strategy. But then what happens? Once that very first National Park/Preserve/Federal Land falls, and those people of that day see it is truly possible, there will then be widespread rollback and reclamation of their land for mining/drilling/riches/homesteading, and I would be surprised if a single one survived at all. Momentum. And kind of an arms race but one of de-Federalization. So you and your buddies Clinton and Obama will only have ensured the end of *all* national parks and preserves in the long run by implementing executive orders bypassing the Congress, the States and The People. It’s human nature after all. When you try to recreate feudalism, a top-down ordered society through executive order ( or manipulated data ) it will fall eventually. And the larger that bureaucratic utopia is the harder it will fall. You lose in the long run anyway, but we are trying to ensure you lose right now anyway. It’s really for your own good, you see.
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
Responding to a commenter who said: “I don’t know anybody who denies that a global temperature exist(s).”
Well, I deny it! There is NO global temperature. And guess what? There is no global IQ. There is no global weight. There is no global height. There is no global anything. You are a microbe pondering his pyrex prison. A tick on the back of a dog. But most of all, and I do mean this in the nicest possible way, a hemorrhoid on the ass-end of Science.
Let’s make it real simple, is there a global IQ? Can we possibly measure or get an effective sample of 7 billion souls? ‘Course not. And all those souls amount to a single tick on the back of this planet. Even if you did measure every single IQ, each year, every year, for centuries, then what? You divvy up to create a SYNTHETIC average and what does that tell you? You still have the problem of increasing/decreasing population ( stations ), quality control ( bad record keeping ), and the inevitable tampering ( where to begin, test cheaters, affirmative action, etc ). At the end of the day a curious but SYNTHETIC number that means nothing at all, let alone something that rationalizes expenditures of taxpayer money. The only guiding light for you warmies must be the irresistible urge for Social Engineering, to not live your own damn life but to tell others how to live theirs. Your work is never done because there is always something you want to control. Libertarian my ass.
Anyhoo. If there were truly a reason to create this synthetic global temperature in the first place ( and there ain’t since only bad could come from it in the form of alarmism ), the proponents would be looking up. At the sky. At that tidal locked platform sitting there a quarter million miles away where multiple sites of redundant instruments could measure reflectivity and perhaps spectral wavelengths continuously and record the data and rely on scientific controls to discard errors and arrive at some magic number which still wouldn’t be of significance for years or probably centuries. And then it still might just be an expensive boondoggle. But by pulling back to a stable platform like the moon the procedure would at least be trustworthy, controlled and consistent as long as these warmies were not allowed near the data streams and algorithms. But then what? Suppose the Earth is brighter/dimmer or warming/cooling a half degree or just staying the same? What does it all mean? Still nothing without scientific controls from similar platforms at Venus and Mars, at least. There’s that big glowing sun thing to account for, sorry Lief.
The real point is that Mosher, and all the Warmunists provide classic proof of the Observer Effect, they simply cannot measure anything without affecting/adjusting/tampering/screwing it up somehow. At the very least they are increasing uncertainty by averaging averages of averages, when any average has little to no real use in the first place unless you have an agenda to rationalize. For example imagine if you had the very first day of planting season temps or first thaw or last frost or whatever. And imagine this data was perfect, ironclad with no uncertainty whatsoever. Now you would be able to say that on average the first day of “x” usually occurs on “y”. It is an interesting metric as far as synthetic numerical masturbation goes, and you might use it to plant crops or whatever, but you are still gambling no matter what. You’ll plant with no problem often and then praise the numerology but other years curse it as soon as it fails. How’s that cherry blossom arrival model in DC performing. Ironclad data for centuries and they are surprised each year. This is the main problem with betting any taxpayer money on anything statistically derived, it might be wrong. It will be wrong, time and time again, not long after it is right time and again. And then wrong.
So for all the warmies, why not use your own damn money instead. Take your models and simply use them to convince your rich leftist pals to fund your fantasies ( and nightmares ). Warmunists can easily stop screwing the taxpayer right now and bet their own money and move to Canada and Siberia where the warmth will not ruin their lives. They could simply junk their cars and furnaces and cellphones and live off the land with windmills. Maybe form their own little voluntary communes. What on Earth is stopping them? Of course they won’t though. They are all about one thing – telling others what to do.
More on Mosher at Berkeley Earth: raw versus adjusted temperature data …
There are many interesting “sub-threads” throughout the commentary. Start at this one to read an exchange Mosher has with Tonyb and others.
It is at this point that Mosher decides to engage a question, or at least makes it look like he does, but in short order he is whining about those evil critics even degenerating it down to telling Tonyb he doesn’t know what persecution feels like ( I image those nails in his hands and crown of thorns are beginning to take their toll ).
My favorite commenter over there is called hidethedecline and they see right through the propaganda being spread about. One example …
Tonyb is literally begging Mosher to give him some ammunition to specifically contradict Booker and Dellingpole, but naturally Mosher ducks and weaves but with a certain talking point emerging that can be paraphrased as: ‘See! Some stations warmed and some stations cooled!‘
Now this is key to me. And it is EXACTLY what I would expect from the Bezerkeley BEST final product. Why? It is so simple. An algorithm that warms some station records and cools others is already what has been detected by Steve Goddard. If you cool the warm parts of the past and use limited UHI contaminated stations in the present you have done exactly what Mosher says they did. He is describing the exact outcome ( but with different reasons) that we knew we would see. He seems to think that the ‘See! Some stations warmed and some stations cooled!‘ mantra is exculpatory information and though it just might be to dummycrats and sheeple, it’s not to anyone who can read the graphs that compare so-called “raw” numbers to “adjusted”.
What they are doing is obvious, it is just what was demonstrated here at Goddard and elsewhere. Cool the past and warm the present. So the only possible talking point they have is to admit it but with less than clear words. My advice to others is to be much more specific in asking Mosher & Co questions of this nature. If you accept that talking point as stated then you really have no business trying to sort out the Science and the trend they are creating.
Mosher and these folks are also whining over and over about …
Which is like asking for a pardon or absolution of some kind! Wonderful response from commenter called Rud Istvan …
So true. Those things Mosher whines about, well the problem is that these things are all true at different levels and with different people. Every penny that has been taken to research this scam should be returned with interest, or else then it should be a crime. This is simply done by converting all federal grants to loans ( umm, don’t tell me it is impossible, the reverse is possible and has been done with forgiveness foreign debt as an example ). At the United Nations level this whole thing reeks of “scam” and “fraud” be it the stupid IPCC reports and secret meetings, but mostly because of the attempted extortion of USA taxpayer money to foreigners facilitated by traitors within our own country. There is clear crime IMHO committed by companies that lobbied the USA Congress and President DingleBarry for legislation that outlaws certain light bulbs ( yes, we need that damn heat right now ) so they could cash in on the FORCED transition. This exceeds anything seen before such as the piddly things leveled at Presidents Grant and Harding. Everyone involved in that scheme should be frog marched out in chains right now. Other crimes abound from the lowest level foot soldiers of the Church of AGW who commit computer crime, right up to the so-called Scientists who think the taxpayer funded computers and emails are their personal belongings. To be sure none of them were to found when Nixon tried to do the same thing. They even erase them. And complain about public queries for information.
We are seeing a self-selected Scientific Elite, not entirely dissimilar to the infamous historical ego driven competitiveness and conflicts of yore, but this time entrenched like pigs in the taxpayer cash trough. How dare we question them! They want a free pass? Then return the taxpayer cash with interest, and go on your merry way. But every one of them plotting or conspiring for my money and for laws to destroy America or humans in general must be rooted out.
If Mosher actually believes there are none of these on his team, foreigners targeting USA cash for climate restitution, bureaucrats taking advantage of alarmism for donations for promises of legislation, insider trading, “scientists” and their underlings hiding and destroying records and data, wholesale wasting of taxpayer dollars and running up red ink like it’s free, scaring the sheeple that know even less than they do, all the while ramping up surveillance of the USA public instead of the employees, well, you just cannot get any dumber.
Blade, Lovely.
It is so nice to see a master shredding machine at work.
Thank God you and Gail, among many others, are on the side of truth
I am afraid I am not a handsome dude like Blade but my teeth are as sharp as ever.
Thanks, but I fear that you have a typo.
You mis-spelled “old” as “handsome” 😉
Blade, then we both have reached or best years when our teeth are the sharpest.
Don’t miss my response to the first comment you made about the Mosh Pup. More dirt and the identity of Hidethedecline.
Excellent post Blade! Not being scientifically literate and trying to understand all this nonsense, you have written your post in such a way that I was able to follow and understand what you are saying.
Very nice sir, this goes into the keep pile.
I’m guessing, however, that you’re no longer on any of the BEST spokesmodel’s Christmas card lists.
Part of my former job was reading papers written by PhD candidates, and I never ceased to be amazed at their lack of proficiency in language skills. I wrote better papers in high school.
A fun read (for grammar geeks) is this book by Lynne Truss…
And if you are feeling musical, you may enjoy this as well…
Try again?
@Blade, excellent summary of the thread.
There is a tone of desperation in the defense. Why? For the fundamental reason cited by Richard Feynman in his appendix to the Space Shuttle Challenger Report:
“Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.”
It seems the Climate Wars are about to escalate.
Over at IceAgeNow Frederick Colbourne ( says:
Well, Mosher is right. Temperatures are not being adjusted up, much. Temperatures are being adjusted DOWN in the past.
They did not have to adjust the temperatures up. All they had to do was NOT adjust for UHI and also use seacoast stations and not inland stations.
(lots more info at the website)
Ben said over at Jo Nova’s on January 20, 2014 at 8:53 am
He is referring to Frank Lanser’s The Original Temperatures Project