Restoring The Climate

On this date in 1851, Melbourne was 117 degrees at 8am, and one fourth of Victoria burned.

ScreenHunter_992 Feb. 06 18.11

17 Jan 1857 – BLACK THURSDAY.

Climate experts hope to restore the climate to more like it was in 1851, through savaging the world’s economy with skyrocketing prices and energy shortages.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Restoring The Climate

  1. Gail Combs says:

    And here I thought this was what the ClimAstrologists thought was the perfect climate….

    • Chewster says:

      It did leave some nice lakes following the retreat, especially in my front yard 😉

      • Gail Combs says:

        I lived in various places in New York state. Lake Ontario, the finger lakes and in Westchester county the house literally backed up to a pile of rocks left by the glacier. No soil, no trees just jagged boulders and copperheads. I didn’t have to worry about mowing a lawn….

        • Chewster says:

          I started a lawn after 14 years with a motorless push mower last year, but thankfully our growing season is quite short, especially sitting on top of 45 meters of permafrost 😉


        • rah says:

          I mow my acre here in central Indiana regularly during the season and enjoy it very much generally. Speed mowing with my trim mower to work up a sweat and get some exercise and then a relaxing hour or so on the tractor with a cold beer or two. Always satisfied with the result too. I figure that when the time comes that I can no longer trim my yard then it’s time to move to Arizona or a plat house in Florida or some other warm place that serves as Gods waiting room.

        • Chewster says:

          rah – Hopefully the mosquitos in Indiana aren’t as fierce as they are here 😉
          We need to douse ourselves with a good dose of DEET during most summers…

        • rah says:


          They aren’t like anything like I experienced in Alaska and some other places that most associate with the buggers but they can get pretty annoying. But my fogger and a 1/2 gallon of permethrin based insecticide and I take care of the worst of the mosquitoes and deer flies for a night by the fire or with my telescope. Last year they weren’t bad at all and I never broke out the fogger but during some previous years I’ve used it quite a lot at times. Funny thing, we not only had few mosquitoes last year but the lightning bugs and June bugs were down quite a bit compared to a “normal” year also. It was plenty wet enough but just not warm enough I think.

        • Chewster says:

          rah – We’ve thought about a fogger and I do believe we’d need to buy the insecticide by the 55-gallon drum 😉

        • rah says:

          A lot of it has to do with what the terrain is around you. We have farm fields on three sides and the nearest woods is 1/4 mi to the NE.

          Anyway I have been a strong believer in DEET in the past when I was places where it was needed. Anything that makes ones lips go numb has to be having an effect on the buggers. And it also does a great job removing camouflage from the skin. But no matter what the little buggers can be annoying as hell. Even when one lays down under a mosquito net or in a Jungle hammock the buzz of the little bastards trying to get at you can still bug you. That being said, I’ll take the mosquitoes over fire ants any time as long as I’m not in Malaria or encephalitis country.

        • Gail Combs says:

          WHAT mosquitos? We do not have black flies either. The top of my ridge is too windy. Now the B52s and 747s (over an inch long) ticks, fire ants …. those we have plenty of. Used to have chiggers but the fire ants ate them all and they are now wiping out the ticks.

    • Andy DC says:

      What the heck trigged that? Does anyone really know? Not that long ago either. Why was Alaska spared?

      • Frank Lee says:

        Andy, Apparently the Pacific Ocean currents bring enough heat energy to Western Alaska during the summer to melt the annual snow pack even during a period of glaciation further inland. As for what triggers a glaciation, Milankovich’s theories suggest that the earth’s orbit around the sun (affected by the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn), the tilt of the earth’s axis, and the “procession” of the earth’s axis (don’t ask me to explain that; I’ve yet to see anyone else’s clear explanation of how a gyroscopic procession would be cyclical) all conspire to steal heat energy away from summer toward winter, leaving winters still cold enough to snow, but leaving summers sufficiently cool in the north to allow ice packs to form.

      • Chewster says:

        The ocean-air circulation patterns are seriously misunderstood along with several hundred other climate forcings/stimuli, planetary rifting, solar system patterns and geo-magnetic excursions (these effect all eight of the spheres held within the magnetosphere and are influenced by the planetary core temperature, fluid movement and pressure).
        The flow from the central and northern Pacific up to the Bering Strait hits a wall (Jet-stream is much lower/closer to the surface at the poles), where the cold/heavy air and convergence of the jet-stream to the low-hanging upper air mass causes the jet-stream to wander (think ice-age glaciation/polar vortex). The relatively cooler heavy air-mass sets up long term patterns that result in normal seasonal temperatures in Most of Alaska (-70F in Winter & +70 F. in the Summer)…
        The cycles that are solid ranging from 400,000 right down to 30ish years are beginning to be understood, but we have a long way to go.

      • rah says:

        Andy DC says:
        February 7, 2015 at 2:22 am

        What the heck trigged that? Does anyone really know? Not that long ago either. Why was Alaska spared?
        No one really knows what triggered that but the evidence is pretty clear that Ice ages are a large part of the norm in the history of our planet. What your looking at is a map of the maximum extent of the last period of glaciation in North America. It’s called the Wisconsin or Wisconsinian glaciation. It was just the last period of major glaciation in the Pleistocene epoch. Fact is, speaking in the terms of the geologic time scale, we are probably living in a warm period (interglacial) of a continuing ice age.

        As to why there is little glaciation on that piece of land we call Alaska? One thing that is not understood by many it seems is that cool summers probably contribute more to glaciation than super cold winters. IOW it’s the lack of melt during the warmer seasons that allows the ice to accumulate year upon year more than heavy snows and persistent severe cold in the winters. I don’t know, but suspect that the portions of Alaska at that time not covered in glaciers must have been relatively dry compared to what it is now.

  2. Hew Manatee says:

    We’re not allowed to call it “Black Thursday” any more — officially, it is now a “Thursday of Color”

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