If Obama Was Working Against The US, What Would He Do Differently?

ScreenHunter_8132 Mar. 26 12.16

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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71 Responses to If Obama Was Working Against The US, What Would He Do Differently?

  1. gator69 says:

    That would be scary, if I didn’t already know that there are sites we know of and are not allowed to see, and sites that we do not know of.

    Look! A dog and pony show!


  2. Warren D. Walker says:

    If he was really working against the US – I suppose he would start giving away Israeli secrets.

  3. Aphan says:

    This question reminded me of a fabulous question I heard yesterday:
    If the Republicans say that Ted Cruz can’t win the Presidency, then don’t they need to put forward a candidate that can beat Ted Cruz?

  4. It’s useful to regularly revisit this subject. We never got an answer to the same question on this thread:

    “If, for whatever reason, a President of the United States were in fact trying to cause harm to the country, in a gradual and doable way that could build political support and pass through our institutions, what would he do differently than the current occupant of the White House?”

    It is likely that the lack of answer there is an equivalent of:

    “I don’t know. I can’t think of anything.”

    That would answer the “hyperbole” complaint, would it not?

    • David A says:

      I noticed that. The gentlemen poster came across with such a pretentious superiority. I knew he would not (in actuality could not) engage in an actual discussion of relevant observations to support his pseudo intellectual assertions.

  5. David M says:

    Obama went to a fortune teller and asked when is the day he will die. The fortune tell it will be on a Jewish holiday……Obama asked which Jewish holiday. …the fortune teller replied….it doesn’t matter…the day you die it will be a Jewish holiday

  6. gator69 says:

    Who or what is Grover Norquist?

    UPDATE: After initially declining to come on the show, Grover Norquist has now said he will come on ‘The Glenn Beck Program’. Glenn is taking down the paywall and opening up TheBlaze TV to anyone who wants to watch – online or on your mobile device – for free at 5pm ET. Original Story: Grover Norquist has brushed off claims from conservative critics before – but this time he’s not getting off so easy. On Wednesday night, Glenn presented the facts on Norquist’s disturbing ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremists. Is he an ‘agent of influence’? You decide. Watch a short highlight from last night’s show below and scroll down for more. Subscribers to TheBlaze TV can watch the full episode.

    To view this interview…

    opening up TheBlaze TV to anyone who wants to watch – online or on your mobile device – for free at 5pm ET.

    Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/03/25/glenn-lays-out-grover-norquists-spooky-connections-to-the-muslim-brotherhood/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link

    Six minute video on connections…


  7. omanuel says:

    Thanks for the report on Obama’s decision to declassify documents concerning’s Israel’s nuclear weapons.

    FEAR of nuclear annihilation caused world leaders to form the UN on 24 Oct 1945 to hide from the public the tremendous source of energy in cores of:

    Heavy atoms
    Some planets
    Ordinary stars
    Galaxies, etc.


    [See also this ‘Teachers Supplement to “Solar energy”‘] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10640850/Supplement.pdf

  8. B says:

    The real problem with Iran is that it is one of the few countries the bankers don’t have control of or haven’t wrecked that has resources that matter. Any deal with Iran will be to sucker them into a ‘violation’ which the powers that be can use to get the war they want. The problem is that those running the government of Iran understand this. They have shown this countless times in the last two decades. They are smarter than those running the US federal government.

  9. jst1 says:

    If the US were a plane, he would fly it into a mountain.

  10. jdseanjd says:

    Building the big hate against Muslims to advance WWIII. The Bankster Empire’s strategy.

    By bankster Empire I mean the major banks, their multinational crony corporations, & the Western nations in thrall to the unannounced Central Bankster Empire, IE: UK, US, EU, Canada & Australia.
    I reckon this Bankster Empire is a direct continuation of the Brit Empire, dressed by the corporate controlled complicit media in different clothes.

    • Gail Combs says:

      The Bankster Empire goes back to Cecil Rhodes. The connection between Rhodes, the Fabians and Karl Marx is the Nathan Rothschild/London branch of the Rothschild banking empire.

      Rothschild – Rhodes
      Rothschild provided the initial funding to Cecil Rhodes. Lord Rothschild was then named co-executor of Rhodes will along with Stead. Stead was directed by Rhodes on his deathbed to support Milner without reserve.
      The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor who he paid tribute to in his first inaugural address. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar.

      ….One wintry afternoon in February 1891, three men were engaged in earnest conversation in London. From that conversation were to flow consequences of the greatest importance to the British Empire and to the world as a whole. For these men were organizing a secret society that was, for more than fifty years, to be one of the most important forces in the formulation and execution of British imperial and foreign policy…..

      …the three drew up a plan of organization for their secret society… Within The Society of the Elect, the real power was to be exercised by the leader, and a “Junta of Three.” The leader was to be Rhodes, and the junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Alfred Milner….

      In the second and third decades of its existence it was known as “Milner’s Kindergarten” (1901-1910) and as “the Round Table Group” (1910-1920)….

      Both [Rhodes and Milner] felt that this band should pursue its goal by secret political and economic influence behind the scenes and by the control of journalistic, educational, and propaganda agencies.

      The Council on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Economic Development are Round Table Groups that are still alive and active so although the excerpt ends: “The great idealistic adventure which began with[Arnold] Toynbee and [Alfred] Milner in 1875 had slowly ground its way to a finish of bitterness and ashes.” I don’t believe it. Has it morphed with time? Yes but the groups are still behind the scenes pulling the strings.

      Fabian-Rothschild link

      In 1895, Sidney Webb founded the London School of Economics, which became a branch of the University of London. Among its major contributors: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and Mrs. Ernest Elmhirst, the widow of J. P. Morgan partner Willard Straight, who founded the socialist magazine New Republic. link

      Lord Rothschild himself was personally involved, with Sidney Webb, in the restructuring of the University of London into which the Fabians’ London School of Economics (LSE) was incorporated in 1898. He also provided funds for the LSE and served as its third president, after his relative Lord Rosebery (Webb, pp. 182, 214). link

      Nathan Rothschild and Karl Marx link

      Marx was born into the Jewish business class. His father was a lawyer, for businesses, and he owned vinyards. His maternal grandfather was a textile merchant and banker. His grandmother’s first cousin married Nathan Rothschild, founder of the British branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Lion Philips’ brother Benjamin was a “banker and industrialist”. Lion’s son Frederick was a banker.

  11. jdseanjd says:


    An attempt to gag truthers as “conspiracy theorists”.
    “The state is a leviathan which by nature abuses those it governs.”
    “The Pompidou – Rothschild 1973 law is the source of France’s debt”

    Zionism is Brit (= Bankster) foreign policy back to the 17th century:

    “Theodore Herzl was a disciple of Cecil Rhodes, the (Rothschild funded) theorist of Brit Empire.”
    Govt-funded trolls to disrupt truther sites.

  12. jdseanjd says:

    The Bankster project is global domination, under a One World Totalitarian Govt, while simultaneously gutting the countries they are based in & pursuing a huge depopulation and destruction of the middle class. Obama is following the script to the letter.
    To say this is ambitious is understatement.
    To say this is madness is accurate.

    • Gail Combs says:

      To say the Elite are frighteningly near their goal is also accurate.

      The more you look into the history, the more you realize how far the Banksters/Rhodes/Fabian Elite have come in their plans for returning the world to feudalism and serfdom while the Useful Idiots cheer them on.

  13. jdseanjd says:

    Indeed, Gail, the more I dig, the clearer the picture becomes.

    The Banksters have been held up in Syria, & the Ukraine, by Putin. He is not jumping into WWIII, as the Elite had hoped.

    Russia & China have formed an alliance, principally because the Chinese have realised they’re next for the chopping block if Russia falls. Very pragmatic folk, the Chinese. They have given formal warning to the US regarding trying to provoke war in Ukraine, but the lunatic Victoria Nuland is busy trying to provoke further “colour” revolutions in other former USSR satellites, as she did installing the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine last February. Putin is battling a western looking faction looking to join the Elite preferring Western Empire. He has chucked a few Rothschild oligarch types in jail.

    The Chinese have been deeply infiltrated, for years:
    Enemy or NWO collaborator? (in search box, if link does not work)

    Lots of smoke & mirrors.
    We live in the most interesting times.

  14. gator69 says:

    I don’t know how accurate this reporting is, or if accurate, that it will ever see the light of day…

    Police have reportedly found an “item of significance” at the apartment of the co-pilot who crashed the Germanwing passenger plane into the Alps this week.
    The item was NOT a suicide note.

    28-year-old German Andreas Lubitz trained in the Phoenix, Arizona and is pictured here in San Francisco.

    A German news website claims Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert.
    Speisa.com reported:

    According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.


    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes I saw that at another questionable website yesterday.

      That site said the police hustled a person draped in blankets out of the house of Lubitz and also mentioned Andreas Lubitz had a Muslim girl friend. Also Lubitz had taken a long leave of absence from flight school.

      They also mentioned a mosque that was near the flight school (Breman) had been raided December 2014 by the German police and that could have been the possible trigger.

  15. gator69 says:

    White passenger on St Louis Metro attacked by Michael Brown fan, as Obama sons and daughters watch, and do nothing to help the victim…


    Eric Holder is an accomplice to this attack

  16. gator69 says:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish. And thank you to whoever beat his lying ass.


  17. rah says:

    I post here the perspective of an A-10 http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/FactSheets/Display/tabid/224/Article/104490/a-10-thunderbolt-ii.aspx pilot currently engaged:

    The squadron is doing fine. Everybody is happy to be here and we are doing some good work. The A-10s are holding up well and the technology we have have on the jets now (targeting pods, GPS guided bombs, Laser Guided bombs, Laser guided missiles, tactical data link, satellite comms), and of course the gun, make the A-10 ideal for this conflict. We are killing off as many ISIS as we can, mostly in ones and twos, working with the hand we are dealt. I’ve never been more convicted in my career that we facing an enemy that needs to be eradicated.

    With that being said…I’ve never been more frustrated in my career. After 13 years of the mind-numbing low intensity conflict in Afghanistan, I’ve never seen the knife more dull. All the hard lessons learned in Vietnam, and fixed during the first Gulf War, have been unlearned again. The level of centralized execution, bureaucracy, and politics is staggering.

    I basically do not have any decision making authority in my cockpit.It sucks. In most cases, unless a general officer can look at a video picture from a UAV, over a satellite link, I cannot get authority to engage. I’ve spent many hours, staring through a targeting pod screen in my own cockpit, watching ISIS shitheads perpetrate their acts until my eyes bleed, without being able to do anything about it.The institutional fear of making a mistake, that has crept into the central mindset of the military leadership, is endemic.

    We have not taken the fight to these guys. We haven’t targeted their centers of gravity in Raqqa.
    All the roads between Syria and Iraq are still intact with trucks flowing freely. The other night I watched a couple hundred small tanker trucks lined up at an oilfield in ISIS-held northeast Syria, presumably filling up with with oil traded on the black market, go unfettered. It’s not uncommon to wait several hours overhead a suspected target for someone to make a decision to engage or not. It feels like we are simply using the constructs build up in Afghanistan, which was a very limited fight, in the same way here against ISIS, which is a much more sophisticated and numerically greater foe. It’s embarrassing.

    Be assured that the Hawg drivers are doing their best.

    • gator69 says:

      I was always a Warthog fan, ugly and gorgeous at the same time.


      We can thank the John Kerry’s of this world for neutering them.

      • rah says:

        Two primary reactions the combatants on the ground experience when they see that great aircraft on the hunt or coming in for a run. Your either scared shitless or elated.

    • Gail Combs says:

      As I said earlier this morning, Obummer gutted the US military but I was not aware that it was this bad.

      Many British newspapers carry this map while at the same time declaring Nigel Farage and Islamophobe. The Progressives here in the USA are doing the same declaring anyone who points out the problem is an islamophobe. Shades of Hanoi Jane X 1,000,000,000…

    • Gail Combs says:

      BJ asked on November 3, 2013 Why has Obama Fired 197 US Senior Military Commanders in 5 years? (nine Generals in 2013)

      I think we now have the answer. Those left are afraid to make a move that will upset Obummer. It only take firing a few highly place military leaders without a good reason to get the point across. Argue with Obummer and you are GONE.

      It seems the touchy feelly Progressives have done their job well.

      The Generation Gap on Foreign Policy and National Security Issues
      Younger generations hold more liberal values than older generations regarding U.S. foreign policy. In particular, they are more likely to favor multilateralism over unilateralism and the use of diplomacy – rather than relying on military strength — to ensure peace.

      Two-thirds of Millennials (66%) say that relying too much on military force to defeat terrorism creates hatred that leads to more terrorism. A slim majority of Gen Xers (55%) agree with this sentiment, but less than half (46%) of Boomers agree and the number of Silents who share this view is 41%. A plurality of Silents [over 65] (45%) believe that using overwhelming force is the best way to defeat terrorism and 43% of Boomers share that view….

      If you haven’t read this by Allen West on February 24, 2014, US Army troop cuts: Hagel and Obama seem determined to decimate our military capability it is worth a read.

      ….We have departed from the maxim of “peace through strength” to a belief in “appeasement through weakness.” Obama somehow believes kumbaya is a strategic objective. And don’t give me the crap about drones, because we learned during Vietnam that a president should not be directing strikes from the White House – implemented by another failed progressive president, Lyndon Baines Johnson.

      We should be examining how we create the capability and capacity to meet the challenges of the enemy globally. That means looking at each geographic AOR (Area of Responsibility; CENTCOM, AFRICOM, EUCOM, PACOM, SOUTHCOM, NORTHCOM) and ensuring they have the appropriate level of force mix to meet the threats in their AORs……

      Here is another good one from West: Debt per household has increased 15-fold during Harry Reid tenure OUCH!

  18. gator69 says:

    It’s not about ethnicity. See if you can spot the difference between Persians, and Persians.

    Can you tell me which of these is a Persian rug, and which is a Persian Muslim Prayer rug?



    And what of these two? Which is the the Persian Muslim, and which is the Persian Christian?



    I know it gets really confusing for those terrorist apologists out there.

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