No Geologists Left At AGU

Apparently the American Geophysical Union doesn’t actually have any geologists left.

ScreenHunter_8043 Mar. 21 08.36

Almost all of the “sea level rise” at Manhattan is due to subsidence from post glacial rebound, as well as groundwater extraction and bringing millions of tons of building materials into the region.

There is absolutely no indication that it has any correlation with CO2. Manhattan tide gauges showed the same rate of change in the middle of the 19th century.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to No Geologists Left At AGU

  1. omanuel says:

    Geologists also sold their souls for research grants, fame and tenure.

    • omanuel says:

      AGU has an unenviable track record of blatant deceit in Spring National Meetings in Washington, DC (usually cherry-blossom time):

      In 1956: KURODA’s correct report on natural, self-sustaining nuclear chain reactors on Earth was falsely criticized by the program chair. His paper was published elsewhere as a one page note in 1956 and confirmed in 1972 by analysis of the Oklo uranium ore by French Atomic Energy Commission scientists

      In 1976: The time scheduled for Sabu and me to present evidence the Sun made our elements and birthed the solar system was altered after we arrived at the meeting, a Harvard astrophysicist was inserted in the program to speak before us and falsely claim injections from a nearby supernova could explain the data (the astrophysicists had not even submitted an abstract), and the false Standard Solar Model was thus allowed to survive, deceiving society for another four decades.

      • omanuel says:

        This British MP figured it out himself – consensus science is wrong:

      • omanuel says:

        The implications of a “Global Ministry of Truth” would be horrific for mankind.

        Evidence for a “Global Ministry of Truth” are overwhelming in false, but world-wide, Standard Models of:

        1. Earth’s Origin
        2. Earth’s Climate
        3. Earth’s Evolution
        4. Atomic Nuclei
        5. Ordinary Stars
        6. Big Bang Cosmology

        AGU was created by the US NAS to support “truths” 1,2,3,5,6

        The IAEC (international atomic commission commission) may be defender of “truth” #4, but the former head of the US AEC (Glenn Seaborg) helped me organize a direct challenge to the AGU dogma in the 1999 ACS (American Chemical Society) Symposium on the “Origin of Chemical Elements in the Solar System: Implications of Post-1957 Observations.”

  2. tabnumlock says:

    Federal flood insurance encourages people to build where they shouldn’t. Most of us have personally seen this.

  3. Gail Combs says:

    You forgot the King Tide that is a heck of a lot more important that any bogus ‘sea level rise’

  4. Steve Case says:

    At New York’s Battery tide gauge the 30 year rate of sea level rise from 1856 through 1885 was 1.0 mm/yr Peak rates of 4.1 mm/yr and 4.9 mm/yr occurred in the 30 year periods ending in 1903 and 1954 respectively. Currently the rate for the last 30 years is 4.6 mm/yr.

    • There appears to be something wrong with the first five years of data. You probably shouldn’t use it in your analysis.

      • Steve Case says:

        What I should have added in my earlier post was the low points between the peaks of 1903,1954 and today. Indeed, the rate was 0.7 mm/yr for the 30 years ending in 1913 and 1.6 mm/yr ending in 1982.

        The purpose of my analysis is to demonstrate that in the past sea level has gone up at rates comparable to what we see today. People who point out that there has been an apparent acceleration since the early ’90s ignore similar fluctuations that occurred decades earlier.

        The PSMSL website doesn’t flag the first 5 years with any red data as flags for attention.

    • DD More says:

      Is that sea level rise or effect of reducing the Hudson River channel (look up area maps of NYC and see the increased area) which would raise the water level to achieve the same flow.

  5. emsnews says:

    The seas have risen since the end of the last Little Ice Age but are still much lower than during earlier warm cycles. The panic we see today is due to building very close to the sea on sand banks which is foolish I recall the Bible saying something about building houses on sand.

  6. gator69 says:

    Soros’, Obama’s, and Holder’s racial lies about Ferguson cost the city 5 million dollars in extra police overtime alone. Those are problems we can fix.

    We can’t hold back the tide, but we can imprison those who incite riots.

    • omanuel says:

      No, gator69, you cannot imprison them and they know that.

      • gator69 says:

        Tell that to Mark Basseley Yousse.

        Mark Basseley Youssef, formerly known as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (born 1957), is an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian, a U.S. resident[1] who is a writer, producer and promoter of Innocence of Muslims, an anti-Islamic video that is perceived to denigrate Islam’s prophet, Muhammad.[1][7][8][9][10]

        On 2 July 2012, a “Sam Bacile”,[11] who was later identified as Nakoula, posted English-language promotional trailers for Innocence of Muslims on YouTube. The videos were later dubbed into Arabic and posted on the internet in September 2012. Demonstrations and violent protests against the video broke out on September 11 in Egypt and spread to other Arab and Muslim nations and some western countries. The protests led to hundreds of injuries and more than 50 deaths.[12][13]

        On 27 September 2012, U.S. federal authorities stated that Nakoula had been arrested in Los Angeles and charged violating terms of his probation. Prosecutors stated that some of the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the alias “Sam Bacile”.[5]

        On 7 November 2012, Nakoula pled guilty to four of the charges against him and was sentenced to one year in prison and four years of supervised release.

        We are a nation of laws, or at least used to be

  7. NancyG says:

    Can someone explain to me how Manhattan, which is on bedrock, can get sea level rise but Long Island, which is a giant sandbar doesn’t have sea level rise (to my knowledge)?

    I have lived on LI my whole life, I’m 56. I was raised in a house on the water, a canal. My grandfather bought land in the country (LI) probably back in the late 40s early 50s. He built a house and moved there in the early 60s. My grandfather gave some of the land to my dad and some to my uncle, and they built houses and moved there in the mid-60s. I currently live a 3 minute walk from a canal.

    I have never heard of the sea level rising here. I never heard the beaches are getting shorter. There is never anything about it on the local news. When I search for info on the internet all I can find is what *could* or *would* happen if sea levels rise.

    • Neal S says:

      Any chance Long Island is a floating island? (just kidding)

    • gregole says:

      Excellent points. I have been somewhat loosely monitoring the great ports of the world – not a peep about sea-level rise much more catastrophic sea-level rise. Some of these seaports just amaze me with their spectacular level of economic development and civil design brilliance. If sea-levels were rising catastrophically, there would be a story. But you never, never hear this story. What sea-level rise there is is simply dealt with and you never hear about it. Why aren’t the great seaports of the world being inundated?

  8. Snowleopard says:

    “Why aren’t the great seaports of the world being inundated?”…An interesting question.

    Currently it seems only thermal expansion/contraction and ice melt/deposition are considered in evaluating sea level. Some of the many other factors that are not (or seldom) considered:

    More water to oceans:

    1. “Small Comets” A numerous but little known class of dark snowy comets (almost pure water) in the ~10-30 ton range are regularly impacting the upper atmosphere and depositing clouds of water vapor.

    2. Phreatic and other volcanic eruptions.
    3. Pumping of “ancient” water from aquifers.
    4. Combustion of “fossil fuels” adds available water (its major combustion byproduct) to the environment. Combustion of biomass increases the percentage of biomass water released to the ocean over natural decay processes and its speed of return.
    5. Increased runoff due to modern construction methods and drainage practices.

    Also, natural erosion of landmasses by wind and water, plus the unnatural erosion of topsoil by poor farming and land-use practices should be also causing some slow seal level rise.

    Less water to oceans:

    A. Subduction. Water injected into the mantle at subduction zones
    B. Fracking and injection wells.

    The balance of what I see suggests the oceans should be rising a bit beyond the insignificant rise observed. Likely there are many other factors. Am I missing a major factor on the down side?

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