Do a dance to the snow god, bring back winter | The Seattle Times
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Since we are entering a long, long global cooling cycle, just tell the people in Seattle that they will eventually have severe winters, too.
It snowed nearly every year in Tucson during the previous global cooling cycle, I remember well.
It was warm on the west coast during the last ice age, and most of Alaska was ice-free.
emsnews It depends on the PDO/AMO which is not the same thing.
Reblogged this on Climatism.
It fascinates me that these folks think can perceive that legislatures are subject to “capture” by lobbies but only those lobbies that are against them. It has to be a mental illness, not simple cognitive dissonance; its too replete.
sorry for the typos
Love it! That’s one of your best responses to alarmist idiocy yet.
Haha! Even before reading the perfect response, the ignorance and blind stupidity of the original comment made me chuckle! One thing I will say to the credit of the watermelons: their tactic is certainly working at getting fools like him to demand more Government power, which is, after all, the whole purpose.
Progressives are allergic to facts. Simple as that.
That’s it. That does it. You have abused Bill T with reason and threatened him with facts. In full public view. You won’t be able to deny it. This time the complaints will stick.
It’s Called Microaggression
Facts don’t matter. Only feelings matter and your accuser is the one who is totally in control because of that..At a growing number of campuses, professors now attach “trigger warnings” to texts that may upset students, and there is a campaign to eradicate “microaggressions,” or small social slights that might cause searing trauma. These newly fashionable terms merely repackage a central tenet of the Politically Correct Movement.
Hitler would be proud.
An example:
So the haters are whipping up the emotions to make ANYONE who uses an incorrect word or heaven forbid disagrees an object of attack. I ran into this a couple of years ago and even an abject apology did not stop the 15 minutes of screaming invective by the bitch. Since I was a ‘captive vendor’ and she had already complained to management I had to sit there and take it.
It is only a matter of time before this crap explodes. It hasn’t so far because conservatives are in general polite.
It has been exploding for the past several months in the video game industry. Video gamers have gotten tired of putting up with all the cries of harassment and misogyny, and are now working to drive the progressives (SJW) out of the industry, starting with video game journalism.
Why is anyone upset over a warmer than average winter? Did anyone ask the people of Seattle how they feel about it?
Not in Seattle, but nearby Thurston County (Olympia area). We have had a great winter, and we are mostly very happy to be missing both the insane winter back east and the dogged dryness down south. Of course, the winter sports people are disappointed, but we have had on my property flowering trees and bushes since mid-February, lots of bees out already, and some truly nice cloudless, warm days.
Of course, it has nothing to do with “Global Warming” or any such nonsense; we’ve had a mild winter.
In LA today they have snow in the mountains and rain. And are whining about THAT.
And yes, during cool cycles Los Angeles and Phoenix both can see lots of colder weather, too. It just isn’t as brutal cold as NYC or Boston, that’s all.
I lived on both coasts during the 1960-1970’s cold period and lived in Europe, too, for a year and saw first hand how all parts descended in temperature. The only place I didn’t experience this was when I visited Hawaii in 1980.
Its a tad insane to think that weather can be legislated. They are simply nuts and I have to shake my head at such crazy views. Surely they aren’t that stupid and have to be lieing.
Bill T is conflicted. First he says “massive government intervention” is necessary, then “climate is not on the agenda” In the words of John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar. From “Human Ecology: Problems & Solutions”
“ A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation. Resources and energy must be diverted from frivolous and wasteful uses in over developed countries to filling the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries. This effort must be largely political, especially with regard to our overexploitation of world resources, but the campaign should be strongly supplemented by legal and boycott action against polluters and others whose activities damage the environment. The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge. They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely necessary. “