They Can’t Debate Me, So They Try To Silence Me

I would crush any alarmist in a scientific debate, so they hide like babies, call me names and try to silence me.

If they thought they were right, they would debate me and prove to the world that I was wrong. But they know they are lying and their science is crap, and they don’t have a leg to stand on.

So they censor.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to They Can’t Debate Me, So They Try To Silence Me

  1. gator69 says:

    I don’t remember Brandon ever coming here.

  2. Andy DC says:

    The whole “settled science” mantra shows their utter contempt for normal scientific debate right from the start. Then when the warming didn’t come as planned, they “adjusted” it into existence. They may not be Nazis, but they are bald faced cheaters, fakers and liars. Swindlers as well.

  3. Stephen Fisher says:

    i would truly like to drink a couple of beers in a bar with some of these weasels someday…

    • BruceC says:

      Their shout!
      The Rockefeller Brothers Fund***:

      Bill McKibben’s;
      Step It Up ($200,000) ($2,100,000) ($875,000)

      Total RBF grants to Mckibben = $3,175,000

      Al Gore’s – Alliance for Climate Protection = $250,000
      David Suzuki Foundation = $185,000

      The Sierra Club = $1,665,000
      Friends of the Earth = $777,500
      Friends of the Earth International = $290,000
      The Pacific Institute (President; Peter Gleick) = $670,000
      Greenpeace Fund = $550,000
      Center for Climate Strategies = $5,171,600
      The Union of Concerned Scientists = $75,000
      Media Matters for America = $375,000
      Environmental Defense Fund = $550,000
      Natural Resources Defense Council = $1,660,000
      National Wildlife Federation = $1,025,000

      TOTAL = $16,419,100

      Sceptic ‘think tanks’;

      The Heartland Institute
      The Cato Institute
      The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
      Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
      Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

      = $0.00

      ***Does not include;

      Rockefeller Family Fund
      Greenpeace $115,000.00
      Sierra Club $105,000.00

      Rockefeller Foundation
      Greenpeace $20,285.00

      Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
      Sierra Club $38,250.00

    • catweazle666 says:

      I’d prefer to drink a couple of beers and then discuss things with them in the car park.

  4. minarchist says:

    Hey, remember when liberals were really interested in free speech? Yeah, me neither.

    • Gail Combs says:

      What Progressive believe in is LIES the bigger the better.

    • spren says:

      Yeah, I do, It was back in the 60s when I went to school. It was called “academic freedom” way back then. And its proponents, such as Eric Holder etal, took over administration buildings to push their cause. “Don’t trust anyone over 30” was their rallying cry back then. But my how things have changed. Now we have to have spaces set away from the campus that are now called “free speech zones.” You can’t have free speech in the common areas but have to be restricted to areas that no one normally goes.

      Funny how once they gained power and influence how that all changed. Now you can’t speak your mind unless the populace is protected from your opinions. A liberal used to be someone who was suspicious of authority imposed by another. Now, to be a liberal, you need to blindly accept the authority of others. Guess that is why they now call themselves progressives.

  5. Marsh says:

    Of course they are going to Censor ; that was always on the cards, it’s just a matter of when & by what means they will block the truth. At least it’s an indicator you’re getting to them, because the truth hurts !

  6. gregole says:

    One of the most potent forms of censorship is simply not to report the truth. That is the favorite of MSM – silence on topic after topic – from Climategate to the ongoing utterly unjustified Adjustmentgate to the train-wreck that is Choo Choo Pachauri.

    Debate? These cowards won’t even mention the subject what’s more debate its merits.

    • BillyNZ says:

      It looks like choo choo has run out of steam.

    • Jason Calley says:

      “One of the most potent forms of censorship is simply not to report the truth.”


    • Gail Combs says:


      Look at all the disastrous snow storms this winter and not a peep out of the US or Eu news media.

      From Algeria with bitter cold and snow and a state of emergency, to Greek islands in the Mediterranean buried under 6½ ft (2 m) of snow.

      From Norway removing excessive snow from ski slopes because in “…two days we’ve got more snow than we had in the last two years together…” to China.

      China had continuous snowstorms starting Nov. 30 across China’s northeast. The storms caused the collapse of thousands of square meters of greenhouses in Heilongjiang Province. A blizzard lasting more than 60 hours hit on Thursday the 4th of December. The snow has exceeded one meter (39 inches) in Cheilongkziangk province in northeast China, as the area was hit by the most severe snowstorm in years. Temperatures reached as low as minus 20 Celsius (-4 F).

      Japan has been plastered with snowstorm after snowstorm with the heavy snowfall causing some buildings to collapse. Japan snowfall levels are far greater than in previous years. By the 18th of December, the Niigata Prefecture Tsunan had a snow height of 207 cm (6 ft – 8 inches), The town of Nagano Nozawaonsen got about six feet of snow and Gunma Minakami got about five feet, seven inches of snow. They even had snow and roofs collapsing in Tokushima (lat. 34.0° N) which is mild and semi-tropical sort of like South Carolina (lat. 34.0° N)

      Or how about snow in Iran, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

      Did you see this picture in on the front page of the New York Times or Huff and Puff?

      • Marsh says:

        It is one thing to tamper with the Data but Photographic evidence and extreme Snow events can only be played down by Not reporting it ! Anyone would think there is some conspiracy, as though the Media is in the back pocket of the powers that be… Aside from War, I can’t think of a time in history, where the Media has been so hijacked for so long, as with AGW ! When they cannot Debate it,,, their corruption knows no bounds…

  7. Those who can’t handle the truth,
    try to silence those who speak it.

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