Aztec priests believed that sacrifice was needed to control the climate.
The Dalai Lama also says humans need to make sacrifices to control the climate. He believes that reliance on God is “very illogical” – but building windmills will stop the 20,000 year long process of glacial melt.
The Pope also believes that sacrifice is needed to control the climate, and has teamed up with Barack Obama to “make electricity prices skyrocket” – thus sacrificing the future of billions of poor people.
I find this sort of thing very depressing. Back in 2010 when President Obama brought up Climate Change in his state of the union speech, laughter erupted in the house chamber. I expect he didn’t like being laughed at, and I thought he would never bring the topic up again. Sadly that is not the case. I think the message has come from a high place to keep on message and employ a scorched earth policy against critics.
In the UK, some refer to the wind farms as “prayer wheels.”
It’s very disturbing , to look at these proponents of Global Warming. At the risk of offending some, there is an irreverent saying: “If God did not exist , mankind would surely invent one”…
They certainly have invented another : but this Global Warming faith is a form of heresy ; they are praying to a lesser God, that is all about “sacrifice”, without any redemption !
You make a good point.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, I hadn’t been paying much attention to Man-Made Global Warming until 2009 and Climategate and then I went into speed-learning mode. Didn’t take too long to figure out what the big hulabaloo was all about – politics, religion, money – science? Not so much.
What is being bandied about as climate science relies on temperature measurements of vast swaths of earth resolving to tiny fractions of a degree (C or F take your pick!) with (usually) unstated uncertainties greater than the supposed delta! And the infamous climate models – so bad, so useless they aren’t even wrong – they’re beyond wrong. And the historic temperature data manipulations, homogenization, mindless illogical averaging between spacial points…none of it stands the sniff test.
That much, I have figured out.
But how these hucksters and charlatans have managed to take the moral high-ground is beyond me. The slavish kowtowing of the media is beyond me. Religious leaders falling in with the political party-line is beyond me. I simple cannot grasp what is happening. And the damage to the poorest of our brethren on this planet from these scoundrels is easy to see. Billions of us still live in grinding poverty and cheap, available energy would make the lives of the poorest of us infinitely better. And the lack thereof is killing people.
These people, these so-called religious authorities should be ashamed of themselves.
Good post, gregole. Like you, the whole idea of global warming didn’t particularly interest me personally as a work-a-day layman, or as a non-scientist. But like you wrote, it didn’t pass the “sniff test” for me either, so I decided to spend some time looking into the issue. What I’ve learned since 2011 is mind-boggling as to the extent of this scam. Along with Goddard’s Real Science, another valuable resource for me has been the Cornwall Alliance website, with thoughtful, educated offerings such as this:
You are absolutely on target with your belief that “these so-called religious ‘authorities’ should be ashamed of themselves.” Rom. 1:25 said as much 2000 years ago.
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Be a lamp unto Yourself
As the Buddha was dying,
Ananda asked who would be their teacher after death.
He replied to his disciple –
“Be lamps unto yourselves.
Be refuges unto yourselves.
Take yourself no external refuge.
Hold fast to the truth as a lamp.
Hold fast to the truth as a refuge.
Look not for a refuge in anyone besides yourselves.
And those, Ananda, who either now or after I am dead,
Shall be a lamp unto themselves,
Shall betake themselves as no external refuge,
But holding fast to the truth as their lamp,
Holding fast to the truth as their refuge,
Shall not look for refuge to anyone else besides themselves,
It is they who shall reach to the very topmost height;
But they must be anxious to learn.”
Be a lamp unto Yourself
As the Buddha was dying,
Ananda asked who would be their teacher after death.
He replied to his disciple –
“Be lamps unto yourselves.
Be refuges unto yourselves.
Take yourself no external refuge.
Hold fast to the truth as a lamp.
Hold fast to the truth as a refuge.
Look not for a refuge in anyone besides yourselves.
And those, Ananda, who either now or after I am dead,
Shall be a lamp unto themselves,
Shall betake themselves as no external refuge,
But holding fast to the truth as their lamp,
Holding fast to the truth as their refuge,
Shall not look for refuge to anyone else besides themselves,
It is they who shall reach to the very topmost height;
But they must be anxious to learn.”
Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
Pope: Human actions are turning Earth into ‘immense pile of filth’ … change, says an economic system in which the rich exploit the poor is turning Earth into an ” immense pile of filth.”.
Does the Pope count his luxurious lifestyle as a “filth” generating device, or just those of his gushing base?
As a life-long practicing (still don’t have it right) Catholic I too am dismayed at Pope Francis’ falling for the global warming nonsense. Unheard of and most disappointing.
Good grief, Pope Francis does not live a “luxurious lifestyle”. He has enough actual faults without this canard.
You have a valid point contrasting Pope Francis with Al Gore and company but how does the pontiff’s lifestyle compare to the hundreds of millions who are and will be affected the worst by his climate and energy politics? He has trouble with the synod but little worry about heat, cold, food, water, air, clothing, medical care, safety or transportation. Would the world’s poor agree with you?
He’s a Jesuit, not a Franciscan…
That’s it … 8)
The Pope, the Dalai Lama and Barak Obama all seem to have lased well beyond their use-by date and Best-Before Da.a
Why Asia’s Glaciers Are Mysteriously Expanding, Not Melting
Has the Dalai actually been back in Tibet to see or just taking the “Climate Researchers” word for it? Does Buddha control this or man?
Jim Jones “Jonestown” massacre November 1978
Portrait of a Disturbed Cult Leader
“Jones, a charismatic speaker and preacher, came under scrutiny in the early 1970s after allegations surfaced that he punished wayward church members severely and coerced other members to remain in the fold. He left the San Francisco Bay Area with hundreds of his followers, promising them a self-ruled tropical paradise in the small South American nation.
Instead, the hardship of creating a self-sustaining village in the heart of the jungle seemed to make Jones even more autocratic and obsessed with the loyalty of his flock…”
“The phrase “drank the Kool-Aid” came to describe any blind devotion to a cause or person.”