Monthly Archives: October 2017

Famous Lines From Democrats

I attended the Women’s March on DC, wearing a Make America Great Again hat. I got called every obscenity in the book. Later, a Democratic acquaintance told me : You should have known better than to wear a Trump hat … Continue reading

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“Worse Than Michael Mann”

Three years ago, Anthony Watts announced that I was worse than Michael Mann – because I said 40% of USHCN stations were missing. Anthony also conflated the frost point with the freezing point, as did many other commenters on his … Continue reading

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NOAA/NASA Iceland Fraud – Worse Than It Seems

I’ve blogged numerous times about NOAA and NASA erasing the 1940’s warmth in Iceland. Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis The CIA knew about the 1930s-1940’s warmth in Iceland and subsequent cooling. a number of climatologists are in agreement that the … Continue reading

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Mosher Busted By Gavin Schmidt, Zeke Hausfather And Nick Stokes

Mosher is afraid to come over here, and is posting more nonsense on WUWT. Dirty bird carcasses tell the story of how air pollution has improved in the last 100 years | Watts Up With That? Mosher’s stupidity and dishonesty … Continue reading

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The Completely Worthless Global Temperature Record

NOAA has no daily temperature records for any location in South America prior to 1908. From 1908 to 1931, they had only one station – at Buenos Aires. One of the worst urban heat island contaminated thermometers on Earth. That … Continue reading

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Progressives Believe Arithmetic Was Invented in 1960

“Modern record keeping began in 1960.” Forest fires are down 80%, but climate fraudsters want to push their scam, so they announce that humans didn’t know how to count before 1960. 2015 wildfires burned a record-breaking 10.1 million acres The … Continue reading

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The Devastation Of Forest Fire

These incredible Aspen groves outside Santa Fe, are the result of forest fires in 1890. Spokane Falls Daily Chronicle – Google News Archive Search Climate experts say that forest fires are bad, and they are your fault. In fact, forest … Continue reading

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Imagine If This Happened Now

The US used to be extremely hot. These sort of historical temperatures don’t happen any more. Twenty-five states set their all-time record maximum temperature during the 1930’s. The vast majority set their all-time record with CO2 below 350 PPM. … Continue reading

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Featured Fake Climate Study Of The Day

“Researchers have struggled” How global warming is drying up the North American monsoon Latest idiocy from the team climate fraud, claims global warming is drying up the summer monsoons in the southwest. I was born in the southwest and spent … Continue reading

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Polar Ice Fraud Update

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell  1984 Arctic sea ice extent is normal, and is much higher than five or ten years ago. Antarctic sea ice extent is normal. Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph | … Continue reading

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