Learning To Think Like Kook And Nutter

97% of scientists believe that ants walking affect Earth’s rotation.

Therefore, the overwhelming consensus of scientists believe that ants control the Earth.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Learning To Think Like Kook And Nutter

  1. Dave N says:

    99.9%* of scientists used to believe that the continents didn’t drift.

    99.9%* of scientists used to believe that the Sun revolved around the Earth.

    When it comes to science, opinions mean 100% of zero.

    (*the actual figures don’t matter; the principle is what counts)

    • tom0mason says:

      The problem is that the correction mechanism, in science, takes an inordinately long time to come in to action and often it stalls.

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      Dave, your first example is only as old as the 1950s or 60s.
      Your second example is still ongoing because the Church has yet to admit that they were wrong about Galileo and only in 2000 did the Pope sort of, kind of apologize for ordering Giordano Bruno to be burned at the stake for saying that our Sun was another star. How long then can Pope Al Gore II maintain his GW fiction?

  2. Joe says:

    Those Kooks!

  3. Sparks says:

    Does weather effect earths rotation?

    • Andy Oz says:

      There is no doubt that increasing CO2 causes more and stronger hurricanes, whose massive centripetal acceleration makes the earth rotate faster, which shortens the days and thus reduces the growing time for plants. Thus humans will starve and we are all doomed. – From the guidebook to Alarmism.

      • tom0mason says:

        Yes, and this causes increased seismic activity.
        There is no doubt that increasing CO2 causes more and stronger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. The tsunamis causes massive inundations that causes direct loss of life, and ruins agricultural land, also the volcanic ash laden skies shortens the days and thus reduces the growing time for plants. Thus humans will starve and we are all doomed. – Also from the guidebook to Alarmism.

      • Sparks says:

        So, Co2 causes weather and weather changes earths rotation… Earths rotation is directly related to its orbital parameters. Earths orbit interacts slightly with other planetary orbits. Sounds legit!! lmao.

        • Andy Oz says:

          Yes indeed. CO2 effects the earths rotation which effects the solar output of the sun. It’s called carbon bi-cycle.

      • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

        I thought that Hurricanes (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) rotated counter clock ways. Please explain how the Alarmism Guidebook can be accurate because I see that counter clock ways storm rotation as slowing the Earth down, not speeding it up?

        Sent from my tongue in cheek desk top.

    • Morgan says:

      I’m an astronomer. Earth’s rotation is slowing down due to tidal interaction, deep inside of earth, with the moon and the sun. Earth is losing angular momentum to the moon and to a lesser extent the sun, and its rotation is slowing down, but it’s taken billions of years to do so. If the tidal effect of the oceans on earth’s rotation are also causing the earth to slow down, the effect is extremely small and most astronomers ignore it as being negligible. As far as the atmosphere slowing the rotation, that’s many orders of magnitude more negligible. So, no, the atmosphere does nothing worth mentioning. Does “weather” do anything? I don’t know. What’s weather?

    • Morgan says:

      Sorry, I thought it was a serious question. Never mind.

    • Peter Yates says:

      Quote: “Does weather effect earths rotation?”
      Actually I think there is a typo in your question. Maybe you meant to type the reverse of the question. (“Does the Earth’s rotation affect the weather?”) … The rotation of the Earth deflects the winds and ocean currents due to the Coriolis effect. …. and the direction of the deflection depends on which hemisphere the winds and currents are in.
      /sarc off?

  4. What a mess. Ban assault discussions.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Darn, the article did not name the researchers, although it mentioned (wait for it….) Penn state. (Mikey was that your idea?)

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