Only 86 Degrees Of Warming Needed To Start The Greenland Meltdown

The Greenland ice sheet is continuing to get buried in snow, and is 86 degrees below freezing.   97% of climate experts say Greenland is melting down.

ScreenHunter_324 Apr. 21 00.37


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Only 86 Degrees Of Warming Needed To Start The Greenland Meltdown

  1. Morgan says:

    97% of all volcanoes are hot enough to melt ice

    97% of climate experts will deny volcanic activity under Greenland ice sheets using denial tactics they got from the tobacco industry.

  2. 97% of consensus science says it’s melting – but skeptic, fact based science knows it isn’t.

    … and just to point out the obvious … if anyone quotes a “consensus” it isn’t real skeptic science.

  3. tom0mason says:

    Looks good for a quick round, they even raked the sand trap.

  4. gator69 says:

    97% of climate scientists are addicted to grant money.

  5. NavarreAggie says:

    Only 86 Degrees Of Warming Needed To Start The Greenland Meltdown

    Oh, I’m sure the ‘team’ will “find” the much-needed, missing 86 degrees.

  6. ducdorleans says:

    the Belgian/Canadian 2-ball – Dixie Dansercoer & Eric McNair – are kiting around the course atm, but are stuck on hole 1 …

    follow their progress (which might not be the correct word at present … ) at

  7. Andy DC says:

    Springtime at the Greenland Counry Club. Isn’t it beautiful? Won’t be long before the Tiger Woods Blue Ball Invitational begins.

  8. Billy Liar says:

    Here’s a useful site:

    Greenland has accumulated about 400Gt of snow since 1 Sep last year.

    • Morgan says:

      You can’t say things like that. Make sure your arguments are robust.

      You should compare sept to sept or april to april. Making weak arguments makes our case weaker. Of course Greenland gained snow from Sept to April. Make arguments that can’t be argued.

      • Billy Liar says:

        You obviously didn’t look at the link. In an average year Greenland accumulates, over the year 375Gt of snow. Even in the high melt year of 2011-12 the island accumulated about 40Gt. This balanced by the loss through calving from glaciers that reach the sea. DMI claim the net loss is 200Gt/a but it is not clear how this is calculated (GRACE?).

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