Tornadoes and Tornado Deaths Plummeting In The US

US tornado deaths peaked 90 years ago in 1925, the year the Tri-State tornado destroyed many towns in Illinois, Kentucky and Missouri. Since then, tornado deaths have plummeted to record lows.

ScreenHunter_1392 Mar. 31 02.45 

US Annual Tornado Death Tolls, 1875-present – NOAA Weather Partners

ScreenHunter_1393 Mar. 31 03.06

20 Mar 1925 – Terrible Disaster. OVER 3000 CASUALTIES. TORNADO…

2015 is currently on track to be the fourth consecutive year of record low tornado activity in the US.

torgraph (1)

Inflation Adjusted Tornado Running Totals – Storm Prediction Center WCM Page

Government experts say that weather is getting more extreme in the US, because their job is to promote the White House agenda – regardless of any actual facts.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Tornadoes and Tornado Deaths Plummeting In The US

  1. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    Children just aren’t going to know what a Tornado is …

  2. Joe Bastardi is warning that we may see a burst of activity soon. I suspect that will depend on whether or not the polar vortex finally withdraws back to ‘normal’ bounds.

    • Gail Combs says:

      As the earth cools and the jets go loopy I expect to see more ‘extreme weather’ I am sure the Alarmists have also been expecting an up-tick as the earth cools in response to the solar minimum. That is why the Alarm Snake Oil salesmen switched from Gore Bull Warbling to Climate Disruption.

      Lets hope Ma Nature holds off for a bit longer.

      However the switch can be rather sudden…

      .”The ice that had formed from falling snow during the transition from the last of the cold, dry, windy ice ages to the first of the warm, wet calms of the modern 10,000-year-long Holocene climate is 1,678 meters, just over a mile, down the GISP2 core. Rendered in ice, what exactly would it look like, this boundary of epochs? The young American scientists had read the literature from Chet Langway, Willi Dansgaard, Hans Oeschger, Wally Broecker, and others, and they had heard from the Europeans, who were about a year ahead of them in drilling at Summit. Yet still they were not entirely prepared for what they saw that day in the ice, for the suddenness of it.”

      “‘You did not need to be a trained ice core observer to see this,’ recalled Alley. ‘Ken Taylor is sitting there with the ECM and he’s running along and his green line is going wee, wee, wee, wee – Boing! Weep! Woop! And then it stays down.’ Dust in the windy ice age atmosphere lowered the acidity of the core to a completely new state. ‘We’re just standing there and he just draws a picture of it,”‘Alley said.”…..

      “The instant of recognition that summer of 1992 had a raw feel to it, although eventually the disquiet would find concrete expression in numerous articles and presentations as the scientists became accustomed to the large truth of abrupt climate change and immersed themselves in its fine details. Alley recalled later: ‘Those of us who were down there in that trench at that time knew right then that our picture of the world had changed. There’s a whole bunch of us who came out of that ice core project who have since dedicated ourselves to understanding abrupt climate change.'”

      “In the GISP2 science trench, the tray holding the section of core rolled down the assembly line and then it was Alley’s turn at the ice. “It slides across in front of me and I’m trying to identify years: ‘That’s a year, that’s a year and that’s a year, and – woops, that one’s only half as thick.’ And it’s sitting there just looking at you. And there’s a huge change in the appearance of the ice, it goes from being clear to being not clear, having a lot of dust.”

      Paper after paper began to roll off the scientific presses from 1992 on, and just like the unfolding recognition of plate tectonics which preceded it by a few decades, it was literally riveting for all of us geologists fascinated by the Quaternary. So we get our first trap-speed: climate can switch abruptly from its cold to its warm state in just one year.

      Stocker and Marchal (2000) begin their discussion with this:

      Among the archives recording past climate and environmental changes, ice cores, marine and lacustrine sediments in anoxic environments, and tree rings have seasonal to annual resolution. Changes in dust level (1), snow accumulation (2), summer temperature (3), and indicators of the productivity of marine life (4) suggest that some of the climate changes have evolved on time scales as short as a few years to decades.

      The End of the Holocene?

  3. richard says:

    even the IPCC admit they know jack sh..

    . “There is low confidence in
    observed trends in small spatial-scale phenomena such as tornadoes and hail because of data inhomogeneities and inadequacies in monitoring systems”

    • Disillusioned says:

      If I recall correctly, J. Curry has all but abandoned her previous assumptions about such, which she covered in her chapter in UN IPCC AR4.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    It is now 32 °F and is supposed to warm to 73° F. Luckily it will be clear and windy…. (Of course the weather forecast for this week has been all over the place and they still do not have it right….)

    How a Tornado Forms
    A tornado begins in a severe thunderstorm called a supercell. A supercell can last longer than a regular thunderstorm. The same property that keeps the storm going also produces most tornadoes. The wind coming into the storm starts to swirl and forms a funnel. The air in the funnel spins faster and faster and creates a very low pressure area which sucks more air (and possibly objects) into it.

    The severe thunderstorms which produce tornadoes form where cold dry polar air meets warm moist tropical air. This is most common in a section of the United States called Tornado Alley. Also, the atmosphere needs to be very unstable.

    Tornadoes can form any time during the year, but most form in May. But, more severe ones form earlier because the most damage is caused in April. The more north you go, the later the peak tornado season is. This is because it takes longer to warm the northern parts of the plains so tornadoes form later…..

    • DD More says:

      And since there has been no flow from the gulf north, Nebraska to Canada is very dry. No moisture to evaporate and start the clash.

  5. ren says:

    In Poland, strong blizzards. Is the polar vortex over Europe. Real winter in Scandinavia. All of this can be seen in the stratosphere.
    Solar activity falls again.

  6. Tel says:

    A little off topic but I was revisiting the Nenana Ice Classic, there’s a comment on WUWT:

    Lance Wallace
    May 14, 2013 at 8:04 pm

    Quite a pretty histogram of breakup dates/times on the official ice breakup page:
    Only two more days to 2nd place, but the latest breakup was May 20, so a tough road to the top.

    However when I go to look for the data, it’s gone. Been lost, or memory holed.

    Better make sure we keep records of that.

    19:39 April 23 2012
    14:41 May 20 2013
    15:48 April 25 2014

    I got the last one from a news search “The winning time was 3:48 p.m. Alaska Standard Time on April 25” .

    Should be a bit early this year if the “warm Alaska” theory holds up, it’s the long term trend that’s more interesting.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I find this and it takes you round and round and round…

      Nenana Ice Classic: Tanana River Ice Annual Breakup Dates ( )

      ….View Metadata Record ( )

      ….. Nenana Ice Classic. 2011. Nenana Ice Classic: Tanana River Ice Annual Breakup Dates. [indicate subset used]. Boulder, Colorado USA: National Snow and Ice Data Center.

      That last link takes you back to the same page….

      Even if you can find a way through the maze they now have set up most layman can not.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Hubby found the data:

        (Time to archive it before that copy is disappeared…)

      • Byron says:

        Gail ,
        Click on FTP at the top left of the screen (skip registration next page ) for a list of times and a graph
        I notice that they have no data available post 2003 , seems rather convenient leaving off 2013 which I think may have been the latest ice out ever .

        • Gail Combs says:

          Interesting. It is not like the data is hard to get.

          Here is the post 2003 data from the other data set.
          2003 – April 29…….6:22 p.m.
          2004 – April 24…….2:16 p.m.
          2005 – April 28…..12:01 p.m.
          2006 – May 02……..5:29 p.m.
          2007 – April 27…….3:47 p.m.
          2008 – May 06……10:53 p.m.
          2009 – May 1………8:41 p.m.
          2010 – April 29 …..9:06 a.m.
          2011 – May 4………4:24 p.m.
          2012 – April 23 ….7:39 p.m.
          2013 – May 20……..2:41 p.m.

          The early ice-out dates:
          1926 – April 26…….4:03 p.m.
          1988 – April 27…….9:15 a.m.
          1990 – April 24…….5:19 p.m.
          1993 – April 23…….1:01 p.m.
          1994 – April 29……11:01 p.m.
          1995 – April 26…….1:22 p.m.
          1997 – April 30…10:28 a.m.
          1998 – April 20……4:54 p.m.
          2004 – April 24…….2:16 p.m.
          2005 – April 28…..12:01 p.m.
          2007 – April 27…….3:47 p.m.
          2012 – April 23 ….7:39 p.m.

          Most dates are April 30th or later.

          Some where I read it takes several years for the warm water from an El Nino to drift north to Alaska.

  7. BKMart says:

    The Tri in the Tri-State Tornado was Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. Kentucky was not hit by that tornado

  8. Andy DC says:

    Naturally, the NWS will pat themselves multiple times on the back, claiming that the falling death rates are a result of their wonderful warning system. Like having such a high percentage of false alarms that most people totally ignore them!

  9. Hugh K says:

    If Congress defunded NASA’s GISS, would anything crucial to our weather/climate or general well-being be negatively impacted?

  10. Brian H says:

    Now, now. Don’t get your knickers in a twister.

  11. Disillusioned says:

    The extreme weather mongers are at it in force. If all you did was listen/watch read the MSM for your weather/climate reports – that is most people – you should clearly believe floods are worse, heat and drought are worse, tornadoes and hurricanes are worse, and the poles are melting (all lies – documentable/documented LIES).

    Most people aren’t chemists, geologists, physicists, engineers, or concerned skeptics who follow Climate Audit, WUWT, RealScience, etc., – people who get a completely different perspective and understanding of what’s really going on.

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