Bob Berwyn : Colorado River Water Levels To Shrink By 50%!

SUMMIT COUNTY — Water levels in the Colorado River could shrink by 40 to 50 percent in the next half-century, with almost unimaginable consequences for the arid Western states that rely on its water, according to some scenarios outlined by the International Panel on Climate Change.

The bike trail in Glenwood Canyon got washed out this year by record water levels that lasted for over six weeks.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Bob Berwyn : Colorado River Water Levels To Shrink By 50%!

  1. Latitude says:

    Didn’t it already shrink by 50%……and rebound…. and shrink……and rebound again

    • Latitude says:

      “Dear Readers,

      We are working to make this feature of our website better meet the preferences and standards of our readers and our publication. In the interim, we are pausing commenting on our website. We continue to encourage emails and letters from you to our staff and editor.”

      ROTFL…….they are using the same editors as RC

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:
  3. Justa Joe says:

    “…according to some scenarios outlined by the International Panel on Climate Change.”

    What do the other sceanrios say?

  4. Jim Cole says:

    “Or not!”

    That’s the definitive answer to all of these eco-disaster reports.

    “Water levels in the Colorado River could shrink by 40 to 50 percent in the next half-century” – – or not!!!

    I just drove to Grand Junction from Boulder last weekend, and the bike path through Glenwood Canyon is still – – – still blocked by high water and muck.

    Streams all across Colorado are running at very high discharge rates, and much of the back country is still unaccessible by vehicle because of mud, wash-outs, and the like.

    So Bob Berwyn, grab a bucket and bail with the rest of us. You twit.

  5. Water levels in the next four months could shrink by 10 to 80% according to numbers I just pulled out of my Smarter-than-Bob-Berwyn-hole.

  6. So in the worst-case situation, Dillon Reservoir, for example, could be drained and remain empty,

    Oh, what a load of horse-crap. These people don’t even have imaginations! What if a giant, 30,000,000 year old Boeing 707 crashes into a volcano and The Dillion Reservoir becomes the haunting place of an ancient, evil ghost? Isn’t that worse than an artificial lake drying up?

    What if an asteroid mashes into Denver and Obama can’t hold a fund-raiser there? Can you imagine the horror of Obama having to do without $20,000 or $30,000 in campaign funds next year? Surely the racism implicit in Our First Black President (Who Is Black, In Case You Hadn’t Noticed, You Racist Pig) being denied tens of thousands of his own, hard-earned dollars is far muchly worser than some silly pond.

    Get a grip, Colorado! These are (potentially) end times we’re living in. Stop driving and donate to worthy causes (Obama 2012!).

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