100 Years Since Crack Scientists Warned Of Great Climatic Change And World Wide Drought

The Mercury  Saturday 6 June 1914

Professor J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., has discussed a most interesting problem be-fore the Royal Geographical Society—Is  the world drying up?

“Professor Gregory said that in recent years they had often been warned that a great climatic change was now carrying the world, slowly and irresistibly, towards world-wide drought.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 100 Years Since Crack Scientists Warned Of Great Climatic Change And World Wide Drought

  1. crosspatch says:

    It always pays to forecast doom. Someday you will be correct. In the past 800 years California has experienced two droughts of a century or longer. If someone forecasts mega-drought and it doesn’t happen, then things are good and they can afford to keep him on. But someday he will be right and times will get very hard and the only one not fired will be him because he was “right” — that once.

  2. Brian H says:

    Spellcheck: Cracked Scientists.

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