106 Degrees In Oklahoma During The Peak Of The Ice Age Scare

On April 12, 1972 – nineteen Oklahoma HCN stations reached 100 degrees, and Mangum reached 106 degrees. Temperatures in Mangum today are forecast to be half that, at 53 degrees.

ScreenHunter_191 Apr. 14 07.15

GHCN command used to generate this data
./ghcn.exe OK.txt through=0412 > OK.csv

If this happened today, climate experts would cite it as 100% proof of global warming, and James Hansen would say it was impossible with CO2 below 350 PPM.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 106 Degrees In Oklahoma During The Peak Of The Ice Age Scare

  1. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven for again pointing out that,

    “Figures don’t lie, but liers sure figure!”

  2. Andy DC says:

    Snowed today in parts of Oklahoma.

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