Daily Archives: April 17, 2014

1936 Zane Grey Film About Joining The BLM


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The Progressive View Of Science

Shut up! If scientists want you to be a slave, you can’t argue with them. It is for your own good. https://twitter.com/SteveSGoddard/status/456904503749394432

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If Greens Have Their Way, We Won’t Have An Environment

Fear of a harmless trace gas has driven the environmental movement completely insane. Birds going up in smoke at Ivanpah solar project A new report from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has labeled BrightSource Energy’s Ivanpah project a “mega-trap” … Continue reading

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It’s The Global, Stupid

During a cold* year, the US and Canada are a tiny portion of globe – and are irrelevant to climate experts. It is about “global” warming after all, or perhaps just Australian warming. But mention “global” sea ice area, and … Continue reading

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With The World Falling Apart, White House Is Focused Like A Laser On Rustling An Old Man’s Cattle In Nevada

The White House and Senator Reid have assembled a massive paramilitary operation to rustle 67 year old Cliven Bundy’s cattle (and probably gun him down) – while Jews in the Ukraine are being forced to register. Jews in the eastern … Continue reading

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Is Methane A Fossil Fuel?

Saturn’s moon Titan has more natural gas and other hydrocarbons on it than Earth. The assumption that most methane is a fossil fuel doesn’t make a lot of sense. That being said, I did have a fraternity brother in the … Continue reading

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Different Types Of Officers

Some officers in any army want to win the war, and bring it to an end. Others enjoy the war, and want it to continue indefinitely. They don’t like the other kind.

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Adding More CO2 Goalkeepers

NHL goalkeepers already save more than 90% of shots, so adding more goalkeepers could increase their save percentage by a maximum of 10%. Knut Angstrom figured out 100 years ago that almost all of the LW radiation at CO2 absorption … Continue reading

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My Thoughts On Solar Energy

Collecting solar energy on buildings is a great idea. The Anasazi built wonderful passive solar homes hundreds of years ago. Here in Colorado, most houses are oriented the wrong direction (N-S) because people want to see the mountains out of their … Continue reading

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44th Earth Day Celebration

Earth Day is just around the corner. It is celebrated every April 22 on Vladimir Lenin’s birthday, two days after Hitler’s birthday. Here are some crack scientific forecasts from the original Earth day in 1970. “Civilization will end within 15 or … Continue reading

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