1932 Shock News : Scientists Said Melting Polar Ice Caps Would Drown The Planet

ScreenHunter_29 Apr. 26 21.01

TimesMachine: May 15, 1932 – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1932 Shock News : Scientists Said Melting Polar Ice Caps Would Drown The Planet

  1. Brian H says:

    Glub, glub.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    I didn’t know Al Gore wrote for the NYT in 1932. He hasn’t changed his story much.

  3. oeman50 says:

    I bet that 40 meters of melting Arctic ice would drown the planet. Or, I hope so, anyway. I really like living at the beach but I can’t afford it unless it comes inland to me…..

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