Daily Archives: April 21, 2014

Sneaky Sea Level Rise Bypasses California

Sea level experts in California say that the state is threatened by sea level rise, because they lack access to the Internet or any other sources of actual data. Los Angeles, California is a huge, coastal metropolitan area home to … Continue reading

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Republicans Have Been Causing Deadly Tornadoes For Over 120 Years

DEADLY TORNADOES OF RECENT DECADES – South and Middle West Visited by Numerous Violent Storms in Last 25 Years

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Latest Lake Erie Ice On Record

The eastern end of Lake Erie still has a large amount of ice. Looking through the historical records, there has never been a significant amount of ice on Lake Erie this late in the year before. GLCFS Products

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Before Your SUV Ruined The Climate, Tornadoes Killed Thousands Of People


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Unprecedented Low Tornado Activity Continues

2012 was the slowest tornado year on record until it was beaten by 2013 – and 2014 is tied with 2013 so far. Storm Prediction Center WCM Page

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Leading Scientist Warns Of Five Meters Sea Level Rise By 2028

Crack scientist tells us that sea level will rise about 1mm/day for the next fourteen years. Nature 271, 321 – 325 (26 January 1978); West Antarctic ice sheet and CO2 greenhouse effect: a threat of disaster J. H. MERCER Institute … Continue reading

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1921 – Global Warming And Drought Caused Avalanches, Glacial Melt, And Snake Bites


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1919 – Big Oil Saved West Texas Farmers From Disastrous Climate Change


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100 Years Since Crack Scientists Warned Of Great Climatic Change And World Wide Drought

The Mercury  Saturday 6 June 1914 Professor J. W. Gregory, F.R.S., has discussed a most interesting problem be-fore the Royal Geographical Society—Is  the world drying up? “Professor Gregory said that in recent years they had often been warned that a great climatic … Continue reading

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97% Of Experts Say That The Poles Are Melting Down

97% of climate experts say that the poles are melting down and sea ice is disappearing, because their grant money depends on lying about the climate. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.global.anom.1979-2008

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