Daily Archives: April 26, 2014

Ice Is A Thing Of The Past In New England

New England is having the coldest start to the year since 1940, the Great Lakes have record ice, and some genius publishes a book saying that ice is a thing of the past. Farewell to Ice Skating

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1898 Forest Fires Killed Millions Of Animals

PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. – View Article – NYTimes.com

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The Poles Are Not Melting Down

Contrary to the nonsense being spewed by Trenberth and the rest of the climate alarmist community, the poles are not melting down. Global sea ice area has been averaging above normal since the end of 2012, and is near a record … Continue reading

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Bipolar Disorder In The Arctic

All from the same article. The Arctic is overheated and melting down and full of unusually thick ice and snow. STOP THE FINAL MELTDOWN The Arctic sea ice extent during March was 5th lowest in the 36-year satellite record, according … Continue reading

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97% Of Scientific Societies Agree About Climate Change

The vast majority of scientific societies agree that they would like to get their share of the $29 billion/year global warming slush fund. After all, the customer always comes first.

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Plagiarism In The Democratic Party

Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning. He never intended it to become the Democratic Party Platform.

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