97% Of Experts Say That The Poles Are Melting Down

97% of climate experts say that the poles are melting down and sea ice is disappearing, because their grant money depends on lying about the climate.

ScreenHunter_325 Apr. 21 06.27


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 97% Of Experts Say That The Poles Are Melting Down

  1. gator69 says:

    97% of spokesmodels agree with their sponsors.

  2. SDB says:

    Steven Goddard,

    Complete layman here. Can you explain to me the different data columns in the link? This is a powerful graph. I’d like to share it. But I don’t feel comfortable sharing it until I understand it.

    What do each of the three columns of data represent?
    Is this just land ice, just sea ice, both, etc?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Caleb says:

    As we fret about the ice not being there, the Russians take their children to the Pole on field trips, landing jets on a landing strip smoothed onto the ice. Not that they don’t have their worry warts as well, but I hate to say this: Russian kids seem tougher than our kids, in some ways. And they treat their worry warts like they are worry warts:


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