97% Of Scientific Societies Agree About Climate Change

The vast majority of scientific societies agree that they would like to get their share of the $29 billion/year global warming slush fund.

After all, the customer always comes first.

ScreenHunter_06 Apr. 25 18.36

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to 97% Of Scientific Societies Agree About Climate Change

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    She wouldn’t have to make a living this way if it weren’t for global warming

  2. _Jim says:

    The ‘customer’ should always check the Adam’s apple (or using DNA, the X/Y chromosome set) of the ‘supplier’ of said services, too. Otherwise one would never know from which side of the fence the ‘services’ are being served …

  3. _Jim says:

    I think the first words (first observed while viewing an episode of the Fox series ‘Cops’) in an encounter like that depicted in photographic image (emphasis on the graphic part) in the OP are:

    . . . “Do you want a date.

    The second communique usually goes something along the lines of this:

    . . . “You’re not a cop – are you honey?


  4. Justa Joe says:

    Climate alarmism the world’s oldest profession.

  5. Gail Combs says:

    At least she provides an honest service for the $$$.

    With CAGW they take the $$$ and then they rape us.

  6. Jason Calley says:

    I forget who said it…

    “Politics is the world’s second oldest profession — and is nearly indistinguishable from the first.”

    (My apologies to honest sex workers for inferring that they are in any way comparable to politicians.)

    • _Jim says:

      Some would say that ‘grant proposal writing’ is in there with the first – or would that be the second? Then there is the ‘wine and dine/schmooze phase’ …

  7. tom0mason says:

    Members of Royal Society request an audience with that young person in order to probe their bona fides as a climate change specialist. Please be good enough to forward an address where said person can be contacted.
    Lord Pompus Bladderolard (1st Lord of Verisimilitude)

  8. Andy Oz says:

    Climate experts say we should not take any direct action to solve climate change.
    They say we are not qualified. We should give them billions in carbon taxes and they will develop a plan to solve it over the next 100 years.
    As the fisherman said “I smell something. And it’s not fresh fish!”

  9. SMS says:

    Not that I’m really interested………….but what does she charge?

    If I invest in solar, I might get a rebate; and we can’t let that go to waste.

    Kinda appropriate to get it coming and going.

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