All Downhill for Hansen Since 1988

Hansen’s 1988 testimony to Congress, when he described Scenario A as “business as usual”  – came during the most persistently hot summer in northeastern US history.

ScreenHunter_103 Apr. 05 13.11

ScreenHunter_104 Apr. 05 13.17

Since then, his forecasts have failed miserably – so the climate fraudsters simply ramp the BS up to higher levels.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to All Downhill for Hansen Since 1988

  1. TomC says:

    What’s worse is they assumed business-as-usual wouldn’t reach 2ppm/yr gains in CO2 until the year 2050. In their business-as-usual scenario we’re only supposed to be around 380-385ppm in mid 2010s

  2. Jimbo says:

    Whether you pick A, B or C he failed (so far). Any cooling should settle the debate on Hansen 1988. What a clown.

  3. jdseanjd says:

    Pay particular attention to Club of Rome quotes.

    Senator Tim Wirth set up the 1988 stitch up of Congress by sabotaging the Congress air conditioning the previous day, with the fanatic Hansen, of course.

  4. Pathway says:

    Worthless Tim was another useless Senator from Colorado. If only we could dump the pot head in the Denver Boulder area we would have a great state.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I just use a bucket of grain to lure my goats into the pasture where I want the tall grass and weeds eaten.

      Do you think if we dumped several truckloads of ice cubes in the Denver Boulder area, southern California and D.C. we could lure some mile high glaciers to sit on top of the various cities?

  5. Brian H says:

    Hansen recanted his cooling predictions by 1988, and has gotten wronger by the day ever since.

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