With war brewing in Asia and Europe and the Middle East, $17.5 trillion in debt, earthquakes in Los Angeles, and terrorism in Texas – John Kerry announces that 0.0001 mole fraction Mann-made CO2 is the #1 security threat.
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Reblogged this on CLINGERS… BLOGGING BAD ~ DICK.G: AMERICAN ! and commented:
I think we all know who the number one security threat is. The Little Dictator.
roger that
He is just the face, a teleprompter reading puppet they can eliminate whenever he is not useful anymore.
The #1 security threat to the world is sixty-eight years (2014 – 1946 = 68 yrs) of government deception about the energy in cores of:
1. Heavy atoms like Uranium
2. Some planets like Jupiter
3. Ordinary stars like the Sun
4. Galaxies like the Milky way
Thanks to the Climategate scandal and a few brave souls like Steven, some well-educated politicians – like Roger Helmer (UKIP Member of the European Parliament for the East Midlands) -are starting to grasp the danger to society of this sixty-eight-year scam.
There is even an older scam created on December 23, 1913,
Lurch was even uglier when he was young.
I was thinking the same thing. Glad I haven’t had breakfast yet.
She should be hanged for treason.
most in the military during ‘Nam thought so. (I was an officer’s wife at the time.)
My father never forgave her for the ‘treatment’ friends of his received at the hands of the Vietnamese, after her little romp.
Fake opposition lol
No wonder the US State has become your enemy no1 with hacks like Kerry in power and Dr. Menken at the EPA experimenting with Americans: http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/02/report-epa-tested-deadly-pollutants-on-humans-to-push-obama-admins-agenda/
Yeah, the SAME Rochester University killed my Mom with their experiments for the US government. Heavy doses of radiation followed by Chemo. It wiped out her heart by age 61.
Strong Memorial Hospital of the University of Rochester Medical Center was so notorious for killing patients at the time it was investigated by Sixty Minutes.
We were told the severe radiation burns Mom suffered were because of an ‘Accident’ with the equipment.
Worse my Father PAID this D^%$ Doctor to kill my Mom. To add insult to injury three of our four neighbors who I all babysat for were doctors and knick named this guy “the Butcher’ but never told us why or what the guy was doing to Mom!
Any wonder I have a very jaundiced view of the ‘Honesty’ of scientists who haven’t even sworn the Hippocratic Oath as Doctors have?
That 17.5 Trillion is only federal government debt.
I don’t know what the state debts are but most are bankrupt except Idaho.
You’ve also got about 14 trillion in mortgage debt.
Who knows how much corporate debt and then there is the derivatives contracts in the hundreds of trillions held by the big 4 banksters.
Kerry and co would probably like a war just to divert attention.
CO2 is the absolute last thing to be concerned about but it’s the easiest one to use to hype up the media and divert attention from serious issues.
Yes, but if we can just print enough money, we can make it all go away. I, for one, would love being a multi-billionaire (& being able to afford a $600000000 cheese-burger at Wendy’s).
Don’t forget Fukushima ! Soon in every fish in the Pacific Ocean. Bon appetit
Radioactive iodine has a half-life of 8 days. Everything is already radioactive including you. A minor amount of radioactivity actually kills cancer.
In A Conversation with an anti society antinuclear activist The activist has surprising admission.
GEE, were have we heard that before?
If anyone has a reason to be anti-radiation I do, but I prefer actual facts.
From the World Nuclear Organization:
Fukushima: Radiation Exposure (updated June 2013)
Fukushima Accident (Updated 31 March 2014)
(One Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. )
So most of the radiation was in the form of radioactive Iodine with a half-life of 8 days. That means just about all of it has already decayed and you are not above the natural background level.
Gail, thanks for deep sixing this fukunonsense.
Kerry is just like the photo a fraud (search Kerry Fonda photo fraud), true name is Kohn.
Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
Don’t let the truth get in the way of your lies.
When these guys talk about the “good ol’ days” or sing “happy days are here again” this is what they refer to.
America’s second security risk: Voter Fraud: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/04/03/hundreds-cases-potential-voter-fraud-uncovered-in-north-carolina/
I think that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
There must be if not I don’t understand these numbers.
U.S. Elections: Will the Dead Vote and Voting Machines be Hacked?
It’s official: Obama voter fraud reason for “reelection”/growing totalitarian government
And Obummer retaliates against those trying to make voting honest:
True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht on IRS: ‘I Was Targeted Because of My Political Beliefs’
Dr. Roberts had another very good article on the last election: The Special Interests Won Again
America elected its #1 security threat as POTUS. Twice.
The piper must be paid.
AmericaThe Voting Machines elected [America’s] #1 security threat as POTUS. Twice.There, I fixed it for ya.
As Dr Roberts pointed out it is the vote counters who choose the candidate not the voters.