And Four Days Later …..

Four days after the Easter Sunday tornado of 1913 which killed 250 people, a massive flood in the Ohio River Valley killed 1,000 people and left 200,000 homeless.

Climate experts who say that the weather is getting more extreme, are either completely incompetent, completely dishonest, or both.

29 Mar 1913 – WEATHER IN AMERICA. £ 4 1000 LIVES LOST. 200,000…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to And Four Days Later …..

  1. Gail Combs says:

    I certainly agree. With the little bit of warming we have had since the 1970s, the weather has been remarkably benign and pleasant.

    It is cold that kills. It is cold that causes the larger temperature differential between the poles and the equator that fuels the heat engine and causes worse weather.

  2. John F. Hultquist says:

    Thanks for finding this – I had not heard of it before.

    I was from western PA, about 60 miles from the border with Ohio. Thus, the opening from the newspaper seemed a bit odd. People reading this would still need to know where the places mentioned were. It would have made more sense to say something like “an area about 500 miles west of New York City.”
    The link did not load for me (I’ll try again later) but I assume it mentions a tornado because of your mention of it. Anyway, a single tornado does not cause the kind of widespread flooding mentioned – and I was curious about what had happened in the near-Ohio part of PA where my folks were living. My parents would have been 5 or 6 at that time. I haven’t found a local account but the link below has the re-created model of the entire storm.

  3. Andy DC says:

    There have been weather disasters in different places of different types during any given era in time. No worse now than it has been throughout history.

    • omanuel says:

      Like yesterday’s voo-doo priests, today’s political leaders can make up any explanation they chose for volcanos and disruptive weather events that occur naturally on a planet that is only one astronomical unit (1 AU) ) from a pulsar.

    • ccglea says:

      This was the worst weather disaster in historical times in Ohio by far!

  4. ccglea says:

    Here in sw ohio, the oldest bridges across the Miami river date from 1913 because EVERY bridge but one were destroyed in the 1913 floods. The 1913 flood was also the death knell to the Miami Erie Canal as it so damaged it, except for isolated stretches, it was abandoned. Dayton Ohio was almost completely destroyed as were other cities on the Miami. Its hard to imagine how the 24 hour news and weather channels would handle a crisis like this today!

    • Gail Combs says:

      Just review Katrina.

      What is interesting is what the US government bureauRats did TO New Orleans, not For New Orleans.

      A very interesting read:

      • gator69 says:

        Katrina myths abound! Let’s get the facts straight…

        “MYTH: “The aftermath of Katrina will go down as one of the worst abandonments of Americans on American soil ever in U.S. history.”–Aaron Broussard, president, Jefferson Parish, La., Meet the Press, NBC, Sept. 4, 2005

        REALITY: Bumbling by top disaster-management officials fueled a perception of general inaction, one that was compounded by impassioned news anchors. In fact, the response to Hurricane Katrina was by far the largest–and fastest-rescue effort in U.S. history, with nearly 100,000 emergency personnel arriving on the scene within three days of the storm’s landfall.”

        Was it a trip to Disney? No. Did we see officials overstep their bounds? When have we not in our lifetimes.

        The people and government of New Orleans had ample warning and simply failed to act.

  5. D. Self says:

    “completely incompetent, completely dishonest, or both” I would say completely corrupted.

  6. Ivan says:

    Meanwhile, in England (same issue, pg.25)
    LONDON, March 23. [1913]

    A violent gale is raging in the English Channel. Serious damage was done at Hastings. The Worthing pier was demolished, and the sea invaded the streets for a distance of 200 yards. LONDON, March 24.
    The damage done at Worthing is estimated at £10,000. The sea demolished fifteen houses near Lancing. Many houses were flooded at Hythe. The sea invaded Hastings. Boats had to be used to convey people to their hotels and residences. At other Channel resorts serious damage was done.

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