April 10 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record

April 10 global sea ice area is just behind the current record year of 1982. ScreenHunter_149 Apr. 12 20.27


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to April 10 Global Sea Ice Area Third Highest On Record

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    What does “global sea ice” have to do with Gina McCarthy indigestion and hot flashes

  2. Andy Oz says:

    More proof that CO2 is the one true god.

  3. prozacinator says:

    Snow White, are you there?

    • Billy Liar says:

      Icebergs are not a risk if you have radar; unfortunately, the Titanic sank 30 years before radar was a practical device.

      What a waste of research funds by Sheffield University – haven’t they got anything more serious to study?

  4. Climate Pretty Happy Dude fraudsters, just haven’t gotten off FB and Twitter yet, to ‘adjust’ the data. By the summer April ’14 will have seen ‘catastrophic ice loss’…..

  5. Brian H says:

    Goin’ up! No departures permitted.

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