April 12 Great Lakes Ice Cover Is The Highest On Record

Great Lakes ice cover is still 47%, far greater than any previous years on this date. The previous record years of 1979 and 1994, had barely half that amount of ice on this date.

ScreenHunter_155 Apr. 12 21.53


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to April 12 Great Lakes Ice Cover Is The Highest On Record

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Interesting that a lot of union folks live around the Great Lakes, and Obama and crew has halted the XL Pipeline supposedly to stop global warming. These union members in the freezing cold must really like the idea that their good paying jobs are being blocked by the Democrats to stop supposed warming. Not! In fact, The Hill reports Union threatens retribution for House Dems opposing Keystone. My hotair comment on this:

    The unions will fall in line.

    They always do. Just like African-Americans fell in line on gay marriage. Because the activist elitist liberal is in charge of the Democratic party.

  2. NomoreGore says:

    Late May, maybe June before its gone

  3. Morgan says:

    Last month, my local fire department had to drill through 3 feet of ice on a local pond to get to water to fill their fire trucks. They said that never happened before.

  4. Mkelley says:

    I had 6 inches of global warming to shovel this morning here in Montana. Our first major snow storm last fall was about the 8th of October.

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