At What Point Do Climate Experts Stop Lying About The State Of The Cryosphere?

Gaia has killed the polar melting scam, but climate experts continue to try to keep it on life support. (5)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to At What Point Do Climate Experts Stop Lying About The State Of The Cryosphere?

  1. Morgan says:

    Looks like sea ice was flat 1979 to 2002 then it dropped for 10 years and rebounded this year to the 1979-2001 level. Same as this shows:

    • Jimbo says:

      This chap thinks they need more ice breakers after 2016.

      The need for icebreakers will increase after the year 2016……

      Looking far forward, we have the Atomflot development programme lasting 30 years, and on the whole, the prospects are certainly good, if not very good. Freight traffic in the Arctic will increase to 30 million tons according to the average optimistic forecast. Port Sabetta alone will contribute 16 million tons. This means there will still be work available for icebreakers and this is what is most important.
      [Andrei Smirnov Deputy General Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Atomflot]

  2. Justa Joe says:

    Until the Donks are out of power we’ll continue to have the AGW hoax front and center.

    • Jason Calley says:

      When the elephants were in power for eight years the GISS liars still got their paychecks, same as it ever was…

      • rah says:

        But the EPA wasn’t pulling the stuff it is now to the same extent and the WH and Sec. State weren’t disparaging “deniers”. etc., etc, etc. Fact is in real politics climate change fanaticism is poison and that is why despite having control of the WH, Senate, and HR for a time the democrats did nothing, proposed no real bills to “combat climate change” but instead funded “green industry” so they could get their political kick backs.

      • Justa Joe says:

        Bush’s people just asked Jimmie Hansen politely if he would tone down the extra-curricular “climate” campaigning on NASA time, and the media tried to crucify Bush so yeah the lame stream media is going to continue to be a problem.

  3. Greg Locke says:

    Some day 21st century “climate scientists” will realize that trends in nature do not go on for ever. Their idea that you can, and should, extrapolate a trend to 0 or infinity is just stupid, Yet they do it all the time to support their apocalyptic projections. Look at the graph above. Amazing how it’s starting to take on sine wave characteristics, like so many trends measuring the climate. Real tipping points are rare in nature and, if they occur at all, are caused by truly apocalyptic events such as asteroid strikes or Yellowstone like volcanic eruptions, not by a 75ppm increase in atmospheric concentration of a trace gas necessary to support all life on earth.

  4. tom0mason says:

    This effectively shows that these so called ‘climate scientists’, and all of the IPCC staff, are the real deniers, deniers of the observable evidence.

  5. Ben says:


    A little perspective for all the chicken littles…

    There are 13,751,018 square kilometers of arable land area in the world (10.6% arable * 129,726,589 square kilometers of land)

    At 17,615,000 square kilometers (April 2nd, 2014), there is 28.1% more ice area in the world than arable land area in the world.

    Even in this day of no trees, somehow, 30.3% of all land on earth is covered by forest.

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