Bipolar Disorder In The Arctic

All from the same article. The Arctic is overheated and melting down and full of unusually thick ice and snow.


ScreenHunter_09 Apr. 26 04.52 ScreenHunter_08 Apr. 26 04.52

The Arctic sea ice extent during March was 5th lowest in the 36-year satellite record, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). The winter maximum extent of Arctic sea ice came on March 21, and was the 5th lowest such peak on record. Temperatures in the Arctic were 2 – 6°C (4 -11°F) above average

we too are astonished by the conditions. That wind spread out and strengthen the ice pack we see everyday. From the 20 days on ice and approximately 350 km from the north pole we still see hard surface, windblown slabs of snow and lots of it.

Today we scrambled on top of a 30 meter high pressure ridge to do some filming. The view was not only breathtaking, it looked like the entire arctic is plastered and coated with snow and ice.

the Arctic state | Expedition Hope

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Bipolar Disorder In The Arctic

  1. gator69 says:

    Are they referring to the mental meltdown of alarmists, when they see massive amounts of ice in the Arctic? Is it a final meltdown of funding they fear?

  2. Eric N. WY says:

    Funny how alarmists love to point to the satellite record when it comes to Arctic ice, but refuse to acknowledge the satellite record of global temps.

  3. Crashex says:

    I loved that blog post. They regurgitated the talking points about warmth and AGW without considering how the huge pressure ridges surrounding them directly refute the irreversible, dwindling ice claims.

    PIOMAS has this region as a ~2.5 m thick ice. HYCOM says ~3 m. If you remember that the thickness of the ice below the water surface is substantially greater than the height above, this region is likely greater than either of those two estimates.

    They do note that the current state of the ice is good. Most of the photos from the trek show substantial pressure ridges.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Iconic photo with the heavenly glow behind. Save the world statements. Able to feel an “Unprecedented” 2 degree change in temperature. I don’t know about you guys but they are very very convincing. If that’s all it take to have dumbasses send you money, then I’m gonna do it too.

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