The White House and Gallup released two disastrously poor statistics about Obamacare this week.
- Only 2% of Americans signed up.
- There are 4 million more Americans without health insurance now, than there were when Obama was elected in 2008.
Republicans should have been able to seize on this data for huge political gain. But instead of doing that, they chose to complain that the “books were cooked” – which implies that the White House numbers were very good.
Obama has handed Republicans one political gift after another for the past five years, and Republicans have been just too dense to take advantage of them.
How stupid can people be? Is it something in the water?
The Republican Party is filled with career politicians. They don’t care to rock the boat. Hopefully, we’ll get more people who are willing to win big will step up to the plate.
Both parties see the public only as tax cow or/and cannon fodder or/and guinea pig.
Jesse Ventura 2016
Jesse Ventura & Ron Paul would’ve made a top team.
“Obama has handed Republicans one political gift after another for the past five years, and Republicans have been just too dense to take advantage of them.”
Too dense? I would respectfully disagree. Democrats and Republicans (and I speak here of the party leaders, not the rank and file) are simply doing what they always do, a sort of “good-cop, bad-cop”. They just take turns, depending on who is in office. Remember that the good cop never actually stops the bad cop; after all, they are on the same team — and it ain’t YOUR team!
Why was Clinton elected? Because people were disgusted with “Read my lips” Bush and Clinton promised something better. Why was G.W. Bush elected? Because people were disgusted with Clinton and his sidekick Gore, and Bush promised something better. Why was Obama elected? Because people were disgusted with “You’re either with us or against us” G.W., and Obama promised something better. Come the election of 2016 (if we have one) and we will probably see Hilary vs Jeb Bush. Once again, whoever wins, we lose.
OMG, your comment turned my hair gray.
Yes but he is correct.
SEE: America’s Ruling Class
and from Dr. Evans (Jo Nova’s Hubby)
The Regulating Class
And from Pascal Lamy, Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization who has been tapped to be the next EU leader.
Whither Globalization?
Those two paragraphs tell you the decision was made at an INTERNATIONAL LEVEL in the 1930s to get rid of the “sacrosanct principle of sovereignty” That is to make the USA a vassal state of the UN and that is why we have had nothing but traitors in D.C. since then.
1934, “[Our] future is becoming visible in Russia.” Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Rexford Tugwell
Unfortunately I am afraid Tugwell was correct. In the same year, 1934, Congressman Louis McFadden came right out in Congress and described how the Federal Reserve Banksters used gold stolen from Americans to fund the Bolshevik Revolution. SEE: home(DOT)
All they are trying to do now is to figure out how to SELL “a new global order” and Lamy, if you read between the lines, tells how we are being manipulated.
Of course the politicians made darn sure we are “Interconnected” by shipping our technology, factories and jobs overseas while using regulations to kill any hope of replacement start up companies.
Actually, Democrats won neither of Obama’s elections. Joe Stalin knew that “It’s not the voters who decide elections; it’s the people who count the votes.” Obama was funded by Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and polled 120% of the adult population in some crucial NE precincts in the last election.
Now the lady who organized the NGO “True Vote” is getting harassed by the Obummer Admin.
Amazing how NO ONE has really gone after the voter fraud although Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli tried (and got targeted by Big Money)
Most politicians are politicians first, and last. Leadership is not in their resumes. Common sense is not in their resumes. Science is not in their resumes.
Sucking up to “Hollywood”, and the media, IS in their resumes.
Meaningful reform will only come from the grass roots and a “throw the bums out” mentality by a majority of voters. And, unfortunately, that will only happen in seriously bad times.
Hillary vs Jeb would equal very low interest and very low turnout, except in the inner cities where the vote will go 144% for Hillary.
Even worse the ReBoobs are actively fighting with the Tea Party. The Tea Party want a REAL Republican party not lip service RINOs and that is not going over well with the party bosses.
What is interesting is BOTH the DemiRats and ReBoobs are loosing voters.
For the last year 38 to 40% would choose the Republican candidate while for Democrats it has fallen from a high of 45% to 38 to 40%.
This means there are 20% of us independents out there who will determine the elections (If they are fair AND we are given something to vote FOR.)
Gallup says barely 1% signed up (only 3 million). The rest were “signed” up and probably will not pay.
Remember you had to ‘Sign-up’ BEFORE you could look at the pig in the poke they wanted you to buy. That means many people signed on to the website but did not necessarily buy insurance. (Tire kickers in other words.)
Rush Limbaugh
What could possibly go wrong?”
It was out sourced to a non-American company with a track record of flubs.
But with connections in the whitehouse bedroom.
(Tire kickers in other words.)
With a lot of blowouts.
No joke. They set a 7 million goal, which was such an easy target to hit, and all the Republican leadership did was harp on the shortfall compared to that goal. So it came back to bite them. Instead they should have been saying “What happened to 45 million uninsured?” for 6 months.
That’s the kind of low bar setting that only works in politics. $800 billion stimulus and they expected something like a few million jobs or whatever from that, and they didn’t even get it.
I may not vote for a Republican, but will not ever vote for a Democrat again in my life. There is no such thing as a conservative Democrat anymore. Proof? Obamacare.