Climate Scientists Say They Are Lying To You For Your Own Good

It appears that news media and some pro-environmental organizations have the tendency to accentuate or even exaggerate the damage caused by climate change.

We find that the information manipulation has an instrumental value, as it ex post induces more countries to participate in an IEA, which will eventually enhance global welfare.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Climate Scientists Say They Are Lying To You For Your Own Good

  1. omanuel says:

    The Captain of this Ship of Fools is playing “God.”

    Information manipulation to save the egotistical Captain and the world’s passengers from nuclear annihilation began in 1945 [1].

    Thanks to Climategate emails and the Captain’s arrogant response, we now know – beyond reasonable doubt – deceptive “consensus science” of energy in cores of heavy atoms and stars started after the United Nations was formed on 24 Oct 1945, to save the Captain and the world’s passengers from nuclear annihilation.

    1. “A Journey to the Core of the Sun – Chapter 2: Acceptance of Reality

  2. Psalmon says:

    Here’s one example. First how Bloomberg portrayed the California reservoir situation:

    The picture in the article was taken around February 8 based on the DWR data and caption. That was the lowest point of Lake Folsom the very DAY before it started raining in California.

    Here’s what the same marina actually looks like in a picture taken 4 days after the story:

    Quite a difference. Why show such a deceptive image? The whole point of the article is reservoirs don’t work. Reality, they keep people alive and fed.

  3. Streetcred says:

    The Little Ice Age Was The Coldest Period For 10000 Years
    Jørgen Peder Steffensen is Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen and one of the world’s leading experts on ice cores. Using ice cores from sites in Greenland, he has been able to reconstruct temperatures there for the last 10000 years. So what are his conclusions?

    Temperatures in Greenland were about 1.5 C warmer 1000 years ago than now.
    It was perhaps 2.5 C warmer 4000 years ago.
    The period around 1875, at the lowest point of the Little Ice Age, marked the coldest point in the last 10,000 years.
    Other evidence from elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere confirms this picture.

    • Gail Combs says:



      And the idiots are worried about WARMING?!?

    • B says:

      speaking of Greenland… I know I am recent arrival here, so perhaps this has been covered before. But in the 1940s a B17 and few P38s were abandoned on the ice in Greenland. In the 1990s they were found. 250+ feet below the surface of the ice. It’s very simple science, put something on the ice, come back fifty years later and see where it is. Is buried? Then the ice got thicker. Simple. When the ice melts down 250 feet then we are back the way things were in the 1940s… oh and someone should go see if they can get one of the other P-38s if that happens. (they found the B-17, too wrecked by the ice to be saved)

      BTW, one P-38 was brought up piece by piece and restored. It now flies under the name “Glacier Girl”

  4. Morgan says:

    “Asymmetric information” = lies
    “Information manipulation” = lying

  5. Andy OZ says:

    Climate Experts obviously know what’s good for the rest of us. Just like Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao did. Trust in them, as they will lead us all to the promised land.

  6. Andy OZ says:

    Why would anyone believe their Government tells the truth about anything?

  7. Stephen Richards says:

    enhance global welfare

    I note that this is the latest ‘catch phrase’

  8. Stephen Richards says:

    It’s very simple science, put something on the ice, come back fifty years later and see where it is. Is buried?

    Not nessecarily simple. If you apply a very heavy weight to ice it’s melting point is lowered and the ice in contact with the object melt, even at temps well below freezing. As it melts it refreezes the other side of the weight.

    As Eistein once said, “physics is not common sense”

  9. Andy DC says:

    The minute a scientist tell a lie to prove his point, his/her credibilty is completely destroyed. Any claim of the moral high ground or moral superiority vanishes immedately. Plain and simple.

    • ralphcramdo says:

      “The minute a scientist tell a lie to prove his point, his/her credibilty is completely destroyed. ”
      That’s when it time to start fraud proceedings against these “scientists”.

      • Gail Combs says:

        That requires a country with the rule of law. The USA is no longer that country. Look at Peter Glieck and Heartland. Heck I just spent the summer trying to get the police to arrest the SOB who stole my semi-truck and trailer (It was sitting in his yard fenced and locked in.) All I got was repeated warnings that I would be arrested and charged if I went and took it back!!!! WTF!

      • Gail Combs says:

        I managed to sell the semi tractor title and the guy I sold it to managed to extract the truck by posing as a buyer. (They still called the cops on him.) The trailer was already sold and off the property and now is probably in Mexico. And yes I held the titles and showed them to the cops and DA.

  10. Dave N says:

    Schneider started the ball rolling (or was at least one who did). Al (it’s OK to lie) Gore was his love child that continued the tradition.

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