Frequency Of 90 Degree Days In The Midwest Down Almost 50% Over The Past Century

The percentage of afternoons over 90 degrees in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio has dropped dramatically since 1895.

ScreenHunter_102 Apr. 05 12.35

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Frequency Of 90 Degree Days In The Midwest Down Almost 50% Over The Past Century

  1. Organic Fool says:

    MIT Professor & US Experts: Japan “must act now to seal Fukushima reactors, before it’s too late” — Concern US to be affected by “explosions – a chain reaction, engulfing reactors one to four” — “Situation is dynamically degrading and unstable” — Aircraft can likely entomb plant in 6 months

    • Gail Combs says:

      Never forget that the Luddites that want to push the world back to the 1800s technology wise (and kill off 90% of the current population.) see Fukushima as a God sent propaganda opportunity.

      The World Nuclear Organization, who I generally use as a reasonable source of information has this:

      The newest news:
      From that page you get:

      02 April 2014 UN reports on Fukushima radiation

      The latest report on the accident comes from the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) – the independent international body set up in the 1950s to give impartial advice on the effects of radiation on people and the environment. In January 2012 UNSCEAR was asked by the UN General Assembly to undertake a “full assessment of the levels of exposure and radiation risks” attributable to Fukushima accident.

      Released today, the study concluded that the rates of cancer or hereditary diseases were unlikely to show any discernible rise in affected areas because the radiation doses people received were too low….

      …Effects on wildlife and nearby ecosystems were similar in magnitude to the predicted human health impact. UNSCEAR said it expected no effects beyond the areas where highly radioactive water was released – i.e. the immediate environs of the plant itself. Even there the effects would be “transient” it said. In the wider area of the Pacific Ocean, “the potential for effects on biota is insignificant.”

      I see nothing to indicate anything but an ongoing clean-up. Certainly not any “The Sky is falling ” round in circles scream and shout.

  2. ccglea says:

    I live in sw ohio and I used my pool heater more last summer than my AC so I believe this. That last year was the hottest on record, that I don’t believe, unless someone is cooking the books!

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