Global Warming Forcing Polar Bears Into Residential Neighborhoods


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Global Warming Forcing Polar Bears Into Residential Neighborhoods

  1. norilsk says:

    They’ve wondered around in Churchill, Manitoba for years. It’s a tourist attraction. Only in Canada you say. Pity!

  2. norilsk says:

    Click on the link to see the rest of the story. An awesome trio of polar bears on the webpage awaits you. They certainly aren’t suffering because of AGW.

    “Polar bears are everywhere – on murals, signs, souvenirs, and sculptures – and the live version occasionally wanders in to town as well! Snowmobiles roar through town in winter and ATVs cruise by in summer.”

  3. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

    Since 2 out of the 5 fatal wild Polly Bear attacks on record occurred in Churchill, Manitoba it looks to me that the bears view the 800 residents of Churchill as a food source.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    Since Obummer and some members of Congress are concerned about the poley bears I am sure Churchill, Manitoba would be happy to ship a train load full of poley bears to DC on the Berkshire Hathaway trains.

  5. norilsk says:

    Our Canadian two dollar coin is graced with a polar bear. We call it a toonie.
    Our federal minister of the envirvironment, Leona Aglukkaq, even has a polar bear skin in her office. It really ticks off the greenies.

  6. Pathway says:

    But your one dollar coin is called a loonie. How very Canadian.

  7. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:
    Of the three shades of North American bears, Brown Bears seem to kill humans more from a sense of surprise rather from hunger. Polly or White Bears seem to be thinking, “Where did that strange looking seal come from and why is it so far from the sea? Black Bears on the other hand tend to pick human victims like your 6th grade science teacher taught that lions picked zebras. We’re talking about the very young, the very old, and the weak. Black Bears also often break and enter occupied tents and even permanent residences, seemingly during the search for a square meal.

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