Government Global Warming Forecasts Are Directly Opposed To Their Own Data

In January 2013, Andy Revkin reported on a Federal report predicting an increase 100 degree days in every region of the US, due to Mann-made CO2.


If that were true, we would expect to have seen an increase in 100 degree temperature readings as CO2 rose in the past. NOAA data shows the exact opposite. The number of 100 degree days has not increased significantly in any region of the country over the last century, and in most of the country the frequency of 100 degree days has declined dramatically.

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As is normally the case with global warming, the Federal government ignored their own data into order to push regulations based on an unsupportable theory.

It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.

– Richard P. Feynman

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Government Global Warming Forecasts Are Directly Opposed To Their Own Data

  1. In before the “Steven Goddard is confusing the United States with global” morons!

  2. Andy DC says:

    These climate scientists are so out of touch with reality, it is laughable. But if they admit there is no warming, there goes their funding. So it just gets worse with time, to the point of absolute absurdity.

  3. aeroguy48 says:

    Ah ha I caught Mr. Goddard and his cherry picking of data. Looking at his last chart of 100 degree days in the Southwest its obvious there is global warming./

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