Guardian Has A New Prophet

Kate can see the future!

ScreenHunter_346 Apr. 21 15.59

Weatherwatch: Like it or not, the future is hot | News | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to Guardian Has A New Prophet

  1. R. Shearer says:

    I hate most English transvestites.

  2. Streetcred says:

    Not surprising, summer is coming to the NH.

  3. lemoutongris says:

    So attacking her will make you mysoginist. Clever move

  4. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    You just know the ice age is coming – all of these bozos have been saying that we’re going to fryfor the last 25 years.

  5. Anto says:

    Meanwhile, from the “You Couldn’t Make This Stuff Up” file, we have this:

    Scientist names newly discovered gnat after Bill McKibben:

  6. Psalmon says:

    It’s a brilliant forum too. I’m learning how adjustments to the temp record are perfectly explainable by things like people reading the thermometer at different times of day.

    I’m also learning that the Berkeley Earth project was run by Skeptics.

    It’s like Alice in Wonderland over there.

  7. tom0mason says:

    Meanwhile back in the real world Joe Bastardi says

    “Back in February we were very worried that there was going to be a lack of a growing season around the Great Lakes and Ontario because of the tremendous ice cover on the Great Lakes and how cold a spring and summer it’s going to be…”

    Audio broadcast at –

    • Send Al to the Pole says:

      Joe gets so amped up. But it looks like there will be ice on Superior at least into June.

      • tom0mason says:

        Get the fur coats on it’s gonna be a cold one.

        However I’m sure some nutjob will put all this down to CAGW ‘climate change’, ‘climate disruption’ somehow.

  8. Charles Nelson says:

    ‘Comments have been disabled for this article.’
    Ah the good old Guardian!

  9. gator69 says:

    Nope. Same old profit.

  10. Perry says:

    Grauniad botch has $hit for brians.

    “The Grauniad is a nickname for the UK national newpaper, the Guardian, because of a now ill-founded reputation for typos. The name was given to it by the satirical magazine Private Eye. The Guardian newspaper earned its reputation for lots of misprints in the days of hot-metal printing when it was published in Manchester.”

  11. Chip Bennett says:

    That pesky heat just keeps hiding in the ocean depths, being scared away by the super-scary, evil trade winds.

    (The PDO could not be reached for comment.)

  12. Andy Oz says:

    Guardian goes full mental when Australian politician says the climate debate is not settled. Then again almost no-one reads it in Australia so who cares. It’s like News of the World.

  13. rw says:

    This does show that no matter what they call it (“climate change”, “climate disruption”, etc.), they’re stuck with the assumption that it’s going to warm up.

    And how long have these “unusually strong trade winds” been blowing? (Seventeen years??) And how exactly did the winds manage to “bury the surface heat deep underwater”? (By pushing it over to the western Pacific??) And do these people even think about what they’re saying ??? (By this point, probably not.)

  14. John F. Hultquist says:

    I wonder if Kate R., of the Guardian has any earth science background?

    Under her photo is a picture of Namibia’s Skelton Coast with this comment “Where hot sea meets hot land . . .
    The Tropic of Capricorn – think intense sun – is the latitudinal defining location. The south Atlantic provides the upwelling COLD Benguela Current.
    That would be cold sea meets dry land. It’s a harsh environment, check it out.

  15. These gullible scribblers in the media never tire of making idiots of themselves. Do they ever bother to do any independent research? As all the major temperature datasets (RSS, UAH, and unmolested versions of HadCRUT 3 data.) show, there hasn’t been any statistically significant warming in more than 15 years.

    The fact is, our planet has been cooling gradually (with intermittent warm and cold periods) since the Holocene Optimum 7,000 or so years ago. We’re now approaching the end of the current warm interglacial period. So if you live another thousand years or so, you may want to move south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

    The global warming scare is the product of a few imaginative — and very greedy — scientists-turned-hucksters. Most of these state-funded con artists see the AGW scare as a real money-maker, with the opportunity to get some serious face time with bleary-eyed stenographers like the Guardian’s Kate Ravilious. Fleecing the taxpayers and hoodwinking the illiterati have never been easier — or more fun.

  16. Rosco says:

    I am always amazed at how the doom and gloom merchants in the UK worry about a bit of global warming !

    Perhaps they should ask the thousands of their compatriots who have migrated here to Australia and wouldn’t go back to that wet cold climate for quids ?

  17. Kate – she sounds like such a bore her bio from the University of Reading (public research university)

    MRes Earth and Atmospheric Science, 1997-1998

    I’ve always been interested in climate, but had only dabbled in studying climate in my geology degree. I wanted to learn some more about the intricacies of the weather before embarking on a PhD. I chose Reading because of its Meteorology department and because the MSc sounded like exactly what I was looking for.

    I remember the department as being one of the most friendly and sociable departments I’ve worked in. From croquet tournaments in summer to sailing trips and field trips by the coast it was easy to get to know people. In addition I was really impressed with the MSc course. All of the lecturers and tutors were very approachable and prepared to spend a lot of time helping me to understand some of the trickier bits of the course.

    The MSc prepared me for my PhD and gave me some grounding in how to tackle a research project. It also gave me the academic background I needed for my PhD. What is more, it gave me a bit of time to think about what I wanted to do!

    For the last six years I have been working as a freelance science journalist, writing for publications like New Scientist and The Guardian. I did finish my PhD, but realised that academic research wasn’t for me. However, I do enjoy being nosy about other people’s research and I am still fascinated by science, so science journalism suits me just fine! I still take a keen interest in climate and weather and relish the chance to write about the latest meteorology research.

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